New Year Resolution Attempts


I never was one for making  resloutions, only because 1. I usually can’t remember them and 2. I am never good at keeping them (hey at least I am honest). So maybe it should be called New Year’s Resloution Tasks to Attempt IF I feel like it. Yea, I like that.

Well, here they are:

1. I will try and crack open a cookbook to learn to cook more dinners for Hubby (yea, who are we kidding). How about, I will try and crack open a cookbook to help Hubby find new and improved recipes!

2. I will try to not ask “are we there yet” every 2 minutes if we go on any LONG road trips to Texas, or wherever. Instead, I will ask “how much longer” every 5 minutes.

3. I will try and win the lottery so we can be rich and famous! (This way I can watch TV all day and attempt to continue to read cookbooks.)

4. I will buy a house this year….well with the money that we win with the lottery winnings, of course!

5. I will stop proclaiming NOT IT whenever I don’t want to clean up cat vomit, cat litter or any other nasty present we see in the house. (Ok, this one is a blatant lie, but I can attempt to attempt it….)

6. I will try and clean the house more, rather than saying I needed to lay in bed because I am allergic to cleaning.

7. I will try to do poop patrol in the backyard, take out the trash, and help pick weeds rather than say to Hubby “Those are a boy’s job and I don’t want to take away from your ability to feel manly.”

8. I will try to stop leaving make-up chunks on Hubby’s side of the sink and clean them up when they happen because Hubby hates when I leave messes on his side. (In my defense, I do this so he can always be remembering and  thinking about me fondly!)

9. I will try not to call Rae and Hubby Pukey 1 and Pukey 2 after they both puked New Year’s Eve because they drank too much.

10. I will try not to torment and squeeze Americus, the evil alarm clock cat, as much this year.

11. I will try not to torment my sisters so much even when they are mean to me and even though we are all grown ups now…..

12. I will be thankful for an amazing Hubby, who puts up with all of my antics and loves me still unconditionally, right Hubby?

Well, there you have it. My attempts to be a better and more well-rounded person for the New Year, although I think I am pretty amazing already….but I guess everyone has some improvement areas….

I hope everyone has an Amazing New Year and wish everyone health, happiness and winnings from the lottery for 2009!


Filed under holidays, humor, Husbands, Life

11 responses to “New Year Resolution Attempts

  1. rachel

    you are a dirty liar about your resolutions….you have called me and hubby pukey 1&2 all morning….you refused to be nice to steven and get him a snack… let’s see here…you already told me and steven to clean your house for you today….and the day is JUST beginning so i am sure you WILL torture me, sar, and steven ALL DAY you sis but your resolutions will never hold 🙂

  2. Dear Pukey 1,
    You are a dirty rotten liar. Except for the fact that I said these would be resolution “attempts” not “gaurentees”
    Go back to bed and nurse your “headache”
    the good sister

  3. rachel

    LIES i am up and doing laundry pukey 2 is the one STILL in bed
    the sister who is not hung over 🙂

  4. Pukey 1,
    We all know you are a dirty, stinky, hooker who never showers. OF COURSE you are up and doing laundry the mere stench coming from your room is enough to make ME want to vomit.
    Pukey 2 is nursing his “pukiness” for all he can, plus he is a lazy sloth. Look I just call them like I see them.

  5. rachel

    PUKEY three/stupid slut…you are the smelly one that goes for DAYS without showers….i shower every day or every other day…you are a smelly, mean sloth!
    btw you sound like miss hannigan 🙂 as you go running around the house telling us we have to clean 😛 lol

  6. My, my it looks like you have your work cut out for you on those resolution attempts kiddo. Good luck with that! Time for some wine for me… gotta start the new year right ya know. Cheers!

  7. No, no, no! You’re not getting it! All those resolutions? Those you need to SAVE – save for when Hubby asks you to do those things for him, and then when you really attempt to do it, you will get brownie-points for it! This way, you’re just giving him an excuse to go “but you said in your resolutions you’d try to ___!”
    Too late now though – you wasted your efforts to make an effort too early :P.

  8. BTW – come see me for a little surprise! 🙂

  9. I think those are wonderful resolutions! I especially like the one about attempting to win the lottery. Sounds good to me! 🙂

  10. i was going to attempt to do more chores around the house. i started new years day by washing dishes and almost cut my finger off (with a butter knife) thus proving my theory that housework is hazardous to your health.

  11. steppingthru

    LMAO at the comments from you two girls. You sound like my little sister and I.
    Good luck with the resolutions.

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