What the Easter Bunny brought my sister

My sister, Middlechildadvice\โ€™s Blog, got a super special surprise in her Easter Basket this past weekend……


Pretty cute, right?

He is a little vampire though. I forgot how much puppies like to bite! My toes, hair, and fingers are all sore!

I puppysat on Sunday and I am still recovering from it all….


Filed under Pets

10 responses to “What the Easter Bunny brought my sister

    When I see a puppy like that, my brain explodes from the cuteness-overload…

  2. Slightly: I know…I feel the same way…until he sinks his vampire teeth into me… ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. He’s a cutie, all right. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. As presents go the puppy is adorable, but at least my Easter gun doesn’t poop on the floor…

  5. delaney55

    He is sooooo cuuuttteee! What’s his name by the way, you didn’t tell us?

  6. Update: The Puppy’s name is Cullen Joseph……CJ or Cully for short.
    He is named after the vampires from Twilight…as he hates the sun and loves the taste of blood! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. OMG, he’s so cute. I’m in serious puppy love.

  8. rashiSHA

    OH MY GOOOOOOD HES SOOO CUTE.. I want a Puppy!!!

  9. haha – you make him crazy…this morning at 3am he was going thru his biting of the hair phase! Not on my bday, i told him!

  10. C.A.Margonper

    So CUTE! I want a dog too, but I don’t have the time to take care of a dog. Aww… So CUTE!!!


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