Tag Archives: hubby

Peep Show: A Tell All



Well, as many of you may or not know, Hubby and I have been together for awhile now. So long, in fact, that I feel as though I can provide (some of) you with a humorous glance at love and marriage with a twist of sarcasm and humor. Hubby had requested me to allow him to do a post on my blog, allowing him to tell his side of the story. At first, I scoffed at him and told him to get his own blog. This is my special place, with my special followers (that is YOU, dear readers, in case you didn’t realize); but then I realized that (a select few) of you were interested in what he has to say ( I still can’t figure out why), so in determination not to be one-upped by him, I decided to tell those of you that wanted to know…whatever you wanted to know about us. My plan is simple. Spill all of our (my) dark secrets before he gets to….so here is an answer to your questions. 

1.   What am I most scared of?

Well, I have a lot of irrational fears, but the thing I am most scared of…the thing that makes me tremble with fear, almost wet my pants, and cause me to dash under the bed in hiding is (wait for it)……the Ice Cream man. I can’t explain or rationalize it, but you can read more about it here: Irrational Fears and the Ice Cream Man.

2.       How did Hubby and I meet?

Hubby and I met at the University of Arizona, when we were in College. He loved me from the minute he saw me; I was (and still am) witty, smart, sarcastic, humor-filled, cute, kept him on his toes, and not interested in him. All things he wanted….but couldn’t have. I had just come out of a long relationship with another Texan that I met at a camp on the East Coast, which ended horribly, might I add. I was definitely wary of Texans and their conniving ways. Hubby and I became friends, but I was still not interested. He persisted in asking me to come see theatre with him, and I continuously shot him down, telling him I had a date: with my roommate (who was a girl by the way). Eventually, I started feeling bad for Hubby, and decided to go on a date with him. Mostly because he was so tenacious, I like non-quitters (probably because, at this point, I definitely would have given up asking me anything….but I get bored easy). Anyways, I found I had fun with him and he was kinda funny too, and a smart ass, much like myself so I continued to date him. We got pretty serious, even though I told him all kinds of stuff to keep him away, especially when he would take off in the summer for theatre stock (theatre camp). For instance, I would tell him–you know, it isn’t considered cheating if you live in different zip codes. So you do what you want, and I will do what I want….he didn’t fall for it….even though I still believe in the different zip code rule! So, we ended up dating, broke up once, got back together and eventually got married. Like anyone else, we have our ups and downs. Sometimes I want to kill him and sometimes I am sure he wants to kill me, but what it comes down to is that we get each other and I think he would be bored without me and my sass.

 3.    What is the most memorable moment that made us laugh so hard that pants-peeing was inevitable; and would we like this memory to disappear? Why or why not?

Well, as far as piss-peeing moments I have had a few, but as far as together….I can think of something. Hubby and I were visiting his sister and family in Texass. We were all hanging out at one of his Mother’s childhood friend’s house (so there was a group of people there) when I suddenly got the urge for a Pepsi. I love Pepsi, and would get very cranky without my caffeine intake, so Hubby being the good Hubby decided to take me out to a convenience store to get one. On the way back, I suddenly got the craving for some “ice cream” (note: ice cream can be a code name for mattress mambo, sorry mom). Fast forward about 20 minutes. At this point, we have been gone (probably a little too long for a Pepsi) for a bit, but we had our Pepsi (fact) and ice cream cover (fiction). So, we are headed back into the house and all eyes turn to us. Where have YOU been everyone asks….and we begin our storytelling. (It is here where I should mention, I am the worst liar you will ever meet. I am just not good at it unless I practice). However, we were quickly shot down by his Dad who practically shouted: SON, why is your shirt inside out? It was at this point, that Hubby turned a shade of red that was the color of a tomato and quickly shrugged his shoulders and looked like he wanted to die right there. I quickly burst into laughter and nearly pissed my pants. How did I not notice that? Irregardless, we were laughed at for long time after that one. Now, whenever we visit his family I am not allowed to go on ice cream runs…..

And no, I don’t need this memory to disappear; it is moments like these that I live for…..although Hubby might disagree.

4.    Do we have quirk that one of us finds endearing to each other, but annoys other people?

Hmmm a quirk that we each think is endearing? I know of a lot of quirks that Hubby has that annoys me…but together? Hmmm. I would have to say that a quirk that Hubby has that I think is endearing is his ability to create, build and make stuff out of nothing. It is especially cool when he makes me something cool. Like a Kitty Hut, The Rules Continued. Note: stupid grad school projects don’t count as something cool, especially when he tries to pass the random crap off to me like he made me a treasure: not cool. How this may annoy other people is that when Hubby gets in his “I know how to fix it mode” it’s his way or the highway. So, if anyone else has an opinion on how to do something, well, my advice is to steer clear. He also snores, shakes his leg constantly if we are sitting (this drives me CRA.ZY) and is a bed hog. All things that annoy me, and only me.

5.  What is the one memory of the two of us that stands out most in your mind?

I would have to say the memory that stands out most in my mind is going to the coast in Texass. Every year, Hubby’s family goes down to Padre Island and rents a condo here: http://www.ccislandhouse.com/index.htm.

They have been going there since Hubby was very small, and I absolutely LOVE going there. When Hubby and I go, we have the most relaxing time. We get to talk on the sea wall, hang out on the beach, feed the seagulls, swim in the ocean, and eat “ice cream”….ha ha ha ha. My most favorite memory is the nighttime strolls on the beach and our Putt Putt competitions because those are the times we get to spend together talking, dreaming and conspiring together. During the week, we often will go out, just the two of us and play Putt Putt. Even though that seems simple enough, I enjoy it because it is our time alone to hang out, enjoy the island breezes and just talk. We have been doing it for over 8 years now, and even though we don’t get to do it every year, I love it more than anything. It is our special place and I love it because it holds such great memories.

6.  How did you end up getting married, romantic coercion or proposal?

A bit of both. Hubby actually proposed, in case you missed it The Marriage Proposal. I thought I was getting a Harry Potter Golden Snitch Lamp! Instead, I got a ring AND the Harry Potter Lamp! Life is good!

7.  Have you ever given Hubby a Dutch Oven?

Are you kidding me? Who hasn’t, although, I am not as clever at trapping him as he is me…..but the difference is he blames the dog. I take credit for mine.

P.S. If you didn’t see an answer to a question you asked, perhaps that illustrious Hubby of mine will provide you with an answer. Perhaps.


Filed under Love, marriage

Hubby’s Not so Lucky Day

The Closest image I could find in relation to the elusive Mountain Man....

The Closest image I could find in relation to the elusive Mountain Man....

Another day in the life of me and Hubby’s pre-bedtime conversations. Oh, to be a fly on our wall, right?

Me: Guess what? It is YOUR lucky day!

Hubby (looking a little scared): Why?

Me (proudly): I shaved my legs!

Hubby: MMMMM

Me: Oh, don’t worry your not THAT kinda lucky. Plus you still have that scruff going on.

Hubby: But I look SEXY.

Me: More like a Mountain Man.

Hubby: No, this is not Mountain Man, this is Wilderness Boy. Wilderness boy is just scruff…Mountain Man is full blown beard.

Me: OK, glad we have that straight now.


Filed under husband, laughter, Love, marriage

Morning NOISE


Lately, Hubby has been getting up really, really, really early to go to work. And we have already established that I AM NOT a morning person…so to be disturbed in my sleep is like waking up a bear from his hibernation. NOT.PRETTY. Of course, Hubby doesn’t think he is being that loud, but to me…sounds like FIREWORKS and MARCHING BANDS are going off in the morning as he slams around in the bathroom, taps his toothbrush, and shuffles about our room. Basically, I am about ready to KILL him. Again, I am just not rational in the morning.

So, sometimes we talk about this at night. I guess, I am hoping maybe he will be quieter or maybe he will realize how annoying he is in the WEE HOURS OF THE A.M. Although I am convinced he makes the morning bangs on PURPOSE because he doesn’t want me to sleep in any longer than he does, but he denies this. LIAR!

Me: In the morning, in my semi-state of consciousness, I dream that I am killing you with each bang you make. You know, like stabbing you like this….(violent stabbing motions are being made)

Hubby (rolling his eyes): I am SO quiet in the morning!


Hubby: Waaaaaaaay quieter than you are.

Me: Probably true, but you are still not THAT quiet.

Hubby: I even lay out my clothes the night before, so I don’t make the drawers creek!

Me: You still bang around on purpose to wake me up!

Hubby: And you don’t EVER make noise!

Me: That’s right. That is because I am perfect! J


Filed under humor, husband

Decorating Time

This weekend we decorated the tree and more of the house. We had a fun time, except for mine and Hubby’s disputes of where to strategically place the (hideous) ornaments. I feel as if I shouldn’t have to compromise THAT much since the tree, to me, is not just a Christmas tree….but a birthday tree. Here are some things we dispute over:

*colored lights—I am not a big fan of colored lights on the tree–I like white, but I decided to let him have all color this year, so next year I can have all white. Note: last year we had both and I like colored lights on houses, just not on the tree.

*ugly ornaments—Hubby has some ornaments that he made when he was six, while he thinks they are sentimental, I think they are hideous, so I sneakily put them in the back of the tree.

*presents—i like to put clues on the presents to help people guess….he likes to put to/from…but slowly he is learning to do clues!

*it’s all about me syndrome—I think I should always get my way in my birthday month and Hubby disagrees and says the Holidays aren’t all about me…I beg to differ!

Now here is the final outcome of our decorating. Turned out pretty well, despite Hubby not letting me get my way (Note to Hubby: this doesn’t mean I think you are right! I just know when to pick my battles!)

Our Tree

Our Tree

Christmas Cards

Christmas Cards

Hannukah and Menorah Men

Hannukah and Menorah Men

Stockings...Hubby's has a lump of coal

Stockings...Hubby's has a lump of coal



Well, there you have it……Holiday Decorations 2008!


Filed under christmas

The Young and the Restless


Rae, Hubby and I were on our way to/from picking up some yummy Sonic dinner (Rae never had a Cherry Limeaide….she is not from this planet)!

On the way there, the radio was playing a song about a lady who said she was a princess in a fairty tale life…..yea, I don’t know some country song.

Hubby (grabs my hand): You are NO princess, and this ain’t a fairy tale!

Me: Don’t I know it, you don’t have to tell me again! I know that this is not a fairy tale by any means…I think I figured that out about 4.5 years ago!

Hubby: chuckling

Me: Yea, I married below me!

Hubby: Aww you can be my princess!

Me: Well you can be my servant!

Now we are on the way home from our Sonic drive-thru……

Me: Guess what Rae misses. I will give you a guess…this is something she complained about for the last 4 years! (pause….silence, so I blurt) SCHOOL!

Me: I told you you would miss it once you were in the world of “I hate being a grown-up AND I hate working!”

Hubby(in a sad voice): I miss school too!

Me (thinking- Are you kidding me…..you are never going to school again! 3 years of my life were stolen from me—ok, so I am a bit dramatic)

Me: Why do YOU miss school?

Hubby: I miss my friends.

Me: HA you have no friends! I mean you have me, I will be your friend, but only cause I HAVE to be….

Hubby: You don’t hang out with me on the back porch and chug back beer.

Me: We don’t have a back porch that isn’t filled with dirt and we have no backyard furniture! I got you covered on the chugging beer part.


Filed under Beer, humor, yale

Another Love Blog



Filed under Love, Uncategorized

The Marriage Proposal

The following recollection was inspired by real events that took place about 4.5 years ago. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent. 

Hubby: I can’t wait for you to come home; I have a surprise for you. (Background: I had been working in another state for about 3 months…so he really missed me)

Me: OOO OOO did you get me my Harry Potter Golden Snitch Lamp?!!!! I need it!

Hubby: No, not exactly, but I think you will like this….

Upon arriving home a few days later…

Hubby: Come upstairs and look at your surprise.

Here is a picture of my “surprise” (It was a Hope chest that he made me, by hand–yea he is pretty crafty)


Me: Oh wow, that is cool. Is my HP lamp inside?

Hubby: Open it up.

Me: Ok

There was a ring with flower petals strewn about.

Hubby: Will you marry me?

Me: Yes, but can I still have my Harry Potter lamp?

Moral of Story: We got married; and I got my HP lamp! See what a good Hubby I have?! See, I CAN be romantic! 🙂



Filed under Husbands

The Love Blog

nachosHubby bought me Fully Loaded Nachos from Taco Bell (they are AMAZING), while I lounged in bed all day napping. Hey, had to recover from late night celebrating in Tucson. Good times.

I love him*….for now.

*Note to my Mom: See sometimes I love him :)….(she was “worried” due to all my hate blogging)



Filed under Love

Hubby and Me: How to Keep the Fire Alive



Filed under Love