Tag Archives: Mondays

Monday Mournings…


CoWorker: I’ve noticed you wearing a lot of black lately.

Me: Yea, I’m mourning my life.

Then later in the elevator

Person: What is that you are eating for lunch? Ramen?

Me: Yup, it is hard times.

Person: EWWWW that is gross. I haven’t eaten that since college.

Me (thinking to self): I KNEW I should have stayed in bed today and not come to work.

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Filed under work

Reasons I hate Mondays


1.      I am so busy thinking of reasons to call in sick, I forgot my lunch.

2.      Can’t sleep in

3.      Time to go back to work and the people you can’t stand to see all week are in your face.

4.      There are 4 more days  before I can sleep in again

5.      Monday meetings….my brain is barely functioning

6.      Mondays equal the worst traffic days…it’s like everyone and their mother is on the road on purpose, going under the speed limit or braking every 2 seconds for nothing

7.      It is the longest day of the week….I swear I have already checked the time 10 times and I think it has barely moved 5 minutes

8.      Happy morning people…enough said

9.      Catching up on my email

10.  Working


Filed under Irrational, work


I NEED this tee-shirt! It is so fitting. What do you think?



Filed under work


I hate driving because people are crazy! I have already established I am NOT a morning person, but to have to commute in, on top of having to get up when it is still dark outside….. well, you would have a better chance of seeing pigs fly then trying to have a logical conversation with me. Not only are people in such a hurry to get to work, but they are also in the mood to just be plain rude (yea, you in the white car: do you feel better now that you cut me off to be one car ahead?)! I mean, really people, what is the hurry to get to work. I know that people (clearly) cannot be THAT excited to be going to work. Alright, what do I know?!

Anyways, on top of a horrible commute in and getting EVERY, SINGLE RED light, I am now ready to start my Monday morning….is it time to go home yet?


Filed under Commuting

Weekends should never end…

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Filed under humor, Life