Tag Archives: east coast

An Experience to Remember


Sorry, I know I am behind in these…but I was on furlough! 🙂 So, for those of you still left…I promise to catch up to you this week!

Today’s America’s Next Top Blogger is brought to you from a new reader, Thoughts From Under My Rock. I believe she and I might have quite a lot in common in our adventures at the grocery store. And with that being said, makes for very sad times.

Her topic was: Tell me about the biggest pet peeve you have regarding other people at the store (grocery, department, pharmacy, whatever), inside the store or out (or both), and then I’d like a very adjective and adverb-filled description of what you’d like to do to them for stirring up your fury… I wanna see if you and I think anything alike.

NOTE: As for adjective and adverb filled descriptions: This blog has censored them out…..sorry

Let me start out by stating two facts you need to know about me:

1.      I hate shopping (I know, shocking right?)

2.      I hate dumb people (if you recall, I emit the KRZY vibe, so these people ALWAYS find me.)

And for some reason, I seem to be plagued with both of these burdens, usually at the same time and usually at the grocery store. Why, oh why do the two things I dread most seem to go hand in hand? Never mind, don’t answer that. I’d rather not know.

So, here’s what happened:

Hubby and I were living in Connecticut at the time, while he attended graduate school at Yale. We got up early one Saturday morning to go to the grocery store. Mind you, this is a rare experience when in graduate school because we usually lived off of PB & J, however it must have been a payday week! J

Anyway, we have just finished off our grocery shopping experience, quite painlessly, I might add and I am off returning the cart, when the KRZY vibe strikes—paging everyone on the parking lot to come and get me.

I see a nice grocery cart boy pushing carts towards the entrance of the store, he was literally two feet from me. So, rather than push the cart to the cart collection area, I thought I would call him and just give him my cart to add to his pile.                

Me: Excuse me. Can I hand you my cart?

Cart Boy (clearly turns around and sees me, but pretends he is deaf or mute)


Cart Boy (again turns around looks at me and again turns around as if I am invisible)

Me (now standing in the middle of the street, clearly astounded at Cart Boy’s rudeness while Hubby watches and laughs) (CENSORED ADVERB)

So, let me paint a picture for you, there I am standing in the middle of the road (with Hubby watching and laughing) astounded that Cart Boy would diss me like that…when a car rudely starts honking at me (ok, I will give you that one, I was standing in the street like a moron, but that is besides the point…)

The honking quickly brings me back to reality, I slowly wave and shrug my shoulders at the people in the car, like…I can’t believe this is happening, trying to point at (the now NOT NICE) cart boy.

When the lady in the car starts screaming, honking, and yelling at me, while her 10 year old in the front seat starts flicking me off with his middle finger. ARE.YOU.SERIOUS? (CENSORED ADJECTIVE AND ADVERB)


Me: I HATE CONNECTICUT AND ALL YOU RUDE PEOPLE! Did you see that, HUBBY? Can you believe all that just happened to me?  (CENSORED ADJECTIVE AND ADVERB)


Me (clearly saddened at the state of mean people in this world): Why can’t people just be nice? It is SATURDAY for goodness sake! They don’t have any reason to be mean, they aren’t even at work! (CENSORED ADJECTIVE AND ADVERB)

And, that dear readers, is what happened to me and why KRZY vibes and Connecticut just don’t mix. EVER.


Filed under America's Next Top Blogger, blogging, Challenges, Crazies

Snow Days….

Not that we ever got these that much, while living in CT and working at YALE, but right about now…with all my friends telling me they get to go home EARLY because of the perceived 7 inches of snow that should be hitting the East Coast….I actually miss this crap! HOW crazy am I?

I want a snow day! Please? Pretty Please? (How is it possible that I actually MISS the snow? After all I did was complain!) Well, I know I don’t miss shoveling or driving in it!

I can’t believe I miss it!  🙂


Filed under christmas, yale

Elmira, NY

Well, yesterday was the one week mark of Nanny being laid to rest with Pop. I find myself going through hills and valleys. Sometimes I am sad and other times I flashback on all the good times and I know she would want me to remember the good times. SO, keeping that in mind, I will share a few pictures with you of our times in Elmira. It is an amazing little town and I hope to get back there for visits someday.

This is Elmira: Fall 2008 The Chemung River (or as I affectionately called it–the crick)


And this is a tree in the parking lot of the Holiday Inn (took our breath away)


These are some of the Cousin buddies….we love each other can you tell?


The infamous (for sayings) cousin brother and sister (little one is also known as my mini me)


Me and Hubby in Elmira at Christmastime


The best place to eat in Elmira, note the name, they make the best pizza and subs—hence the name!


And (one of my favorites) when Nanny took my aunts, me and the hubby upstate to see the sites and have a lunch at one of her favorite places.


Last, I will end it with my favorite painting of Nanny and Pop that always makes me smile!



Filed under family

Jersey Mike’s

So, I have a confession to make. While living in Connecticut, I discovered the most SUCCULENT, AMAZING, MOUTH WATERING, BEST sub place in America. Hard to believe, huh? Trust me, I don’t need to pinch you….it exists! And it was the one thing I thought I would miss most. But, lucky for me, the stars were aligned.

One of the biggest factors to consider when deciding to move out West was:  did Jersey Mike’s even exist out in the desert? If not, the decision to move would be harder than I thought! Luckily, I was told by the CT store that one was being built out West. Thankfully, I could now get my fix there too (yes, I am an addict, and yes I need help…do not judge me).

I continued to stalk and call (they already had a phone number listed on the website…but no one ever answered) the new building in the hopes that I could will it to be done that much faster, and luckily in no time it was the Grand Opening! As you can imagine, I was there on opening day, ready and waiting for my #7 sandwich, Mike’s Way of course! MMMMMM! So, my feeding frenzy continued to thrive and trust me, it is not pretty!

I cannot even explain my obsession with this place, if I do not have it at least once I week, I feel like my hunger cannot be quenched. Much to the hubby’s chagrin, I know where every store is out here and where new ones will pop up. I will probably cause us to go broke with my continual obsession with this sub shop, but he will have to get over it, or divorce me first. J

My advice to you is to go find one in your area and try it for yourself, if you don’t drop down in a dead faint from its wonderfulness, then I will be shocked! Trust me, once you have had the “Jersey Mike Experience” you will either feel the same way, or you can be entitled to your own wrong opinion, but know that you are wrong—very, very wrong!




Filed under Love

The Pursuit of Happiness

My hubby and I have just moved from the East coast to the West. We consider it more like trying to educate ourselves on different parts of the U.S., but since it happens every three years, maybe it is more like an itch…but one you can’t reach. You know what I mean, those hard to reach places where you just can’t get in and scratch…oh wait I digress.  Well, I suppose it is more like the three year itch, if that even exists. Does it count that the last three years were in pursuit of higher education in the hopes of landing the lifestyle of the rich and famous? Well, it hasn’t happened yet. In the meantime, we are transitioning to the West in stride.  

I work for a university and he has a job in technical theatre. We are settling in to a normal routine and we shall see what is in store for us next. Although I have a feeling that something is bound to happen because our lives are a little like Disneyland…painful at times, but the food is sure good! We shall see what  Adventure Land has in store for us.


Filed under Life