Tag Archives: holidays

Yes, I believe in the Easter Bunny


I love the Easter Bunny, and at our house he ALWAYS comes. (Albeit in the form of Hubby, but that is besides the point)

One of my most favorite things that Hubby does for me is that he makes a big deal out of the Holidays for me. I don’t know why, but I.LOVE.HOLIDAYS. LOVE EM. Especially when it comes to holidays where one “gets” things. Easter baskets are a favorite for me because you get chocolate and LOTS of it. And because you have to go look for your basket….I like a little bit of a challenge, however if Hubby hides the baskets too well….well then I get crabby when I can’t find mine fast enough.

So, this holiday, the sisters are demanding Easter baskets too….

Rae: You better make me an Easter basket!

Hubby: No, I don’t have too….

Rae: Yes you do! Please? I will do the dishes (this is clear desperation here, people!)

Later on Hubby calls me

Hubby: So, I (the Jew) have to make you and your sisters Easter Baskets? What is wrong with this picture? And depending WHO is the nicest determines the SIZE of their Easter basket!

Me: I get the BIGGEST one! And don’t forget to hide them in good places–but don’t make mine too hard!

Gotta love Easter time! Hope you all have a great one!


Filed under holidays

Rules for Inflicting St. Patrick’s Day Pinches


I have succeeded in pinching 4, 5, 6, 7 8 people so far, and it is still morning. And not just lightly either; they said I am not playing by the rules. BUT, I totally AM. After much searching and cross-examinination to find a rulebook for St. Patrick’s Day Pinching, I have decided to come up with a compilation of rules. Here is what I found:

Eat your hearts out, non-green wearers, for you WILL be pinched.


1.      Must be wearing green (in clothing) not on clothing. Green nail polish, green hair barrettes, and green stars are all examples of things that DO NOT count. Thus, you will be pinched.

2.      You are obligated to pinch someone not wearing green, if you don’t the leprechauns will not give you any luck and you will be miserable for the next ten years.

3.      Green MUST be visible, to not be pinched. (Green undergarments DO NOT count, unless you are willing to show them)

4.      Doesn’t matter if you don’t celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. You MUST wear green. Everyone else celebrates it, so you will be pinched, this is not a choice.

5.      The pincher has the right to pinch the non-green wearer as many times as he/she wants, however if you inadvertently pinch someone that IS wearing green (i.e. green must be in clothing—visibleness is key– green stars, barrettes, etc. DO NOT count, see Rule 1) than that person can pinch the inflictor back 10 times.

6.      Conspire with others to find out who you may have missed (pinching wise). Compare notes, go back and pinch the people you missed.

7.      Pinch hard enough to leave a bruise; that way the non green wearer will have a green bruise left from your pinch…thus they will then be wearing green.

8.      Take advantage of this day of abuse. Make sure to pinch people you really don’t like hard. This tactic might also keep them away from you in the future, especially at work.

9.      Tell everyone that is not wearing green that you are doing them a favor: wearing green hides you from the evil leprechauns. Trust me, you don’t want to run into one of THOSE. I am doing you a favor by pinching you….kinda like the cootie shot, only better!

10. Those that have the “secret card” are home free, put it in your wallet/purse and give it to those that try and pinch you. Do you have the secret card?


Well, hope this helps those of you that are mean like me see clarity in your pinching rights because it is important to know your rights as a pincher.

Happy Pinching, and hope you all have a good St. Patrick’s Day!

"secret card"

"secret card"


SOURCES: Wikipedia, Yahoo Answers, ask.com, Ken, and other miscellaneous websites.


Filed under holidays, humor

Good Times…

Here is the proof from our fun family New Year’s Eve get together. We made a little fondue, played a little Wii, and watched the Ball in Times Square drop. And some of us had a bit too much to drink, but what a way to ring in the New Year, right?! 🙂
Hubby with his booze...starting the New Year out right!

Hubby with his booze...starting the New Year out right!


Making Fondue with a captive audience

Making Fondue with a captive audience

Hubby and me with our booze

Hubby and me with our booze

And the countdown to midnight begins….

Watching the ball drop...

Watching the ball drop...

Wait…where is Rae (AKA Pukey 1)

Reaching for that water glass...

Reaching for that water glass...

Hmmmm bringing in the New Year is always fun in the bathroom!

Pukey 1

Pukey 1

P.S. Rae might kill me for putting up these pics….but they teach a valuable lesson about pace and the value of food, plus I knew her boy would want to see them.


Filed under family, holidays

New Year Resolution Attempts


I never was one for making  resloutions, only because 1. I usually can’t remember them and 2. I am never good at keeping them (hey at least I am honest). So maybe it should be called New Year’s Resloution Tasks to Attempt IF I feel like it. Yea, I like that.

Well, here they are:

1. I will try and crack open a cookbook to learn to cook more dinners for Hubby (yea, who are we kidding). How about, I will try and crack open a cookbook to help Hubby find new and improved recipes!

2. I will try to not ask “are we there yet” every 2 minutes if we go on any LONG road trips to Texas, or wherever. Instead, I will ask “how much longer” every 5 minutes.

3. I will try and win the lottery so we can be rich and famous! (This way I can watch TV all day and attempt to continue to read cookbooks.)

4. I will buy a house this year….well with the money that we win with the lottery winnings, of course!

5. I will stop proclaiming NOT IT whenever I don’t want to clean up cat vomit, cat litter or any other nasty present we see in the house. (Ok, this one is a blatant lie, but I can attempt to attempt it….)

6. I will try and clean the house more, rather than saying I needed to lay in bed because I am allergic to cleaning.

7. I will try to do poop patrol in the backyard, take out the trash, and help pick weeds rather than say to Hubby “Those are a boy’s job and I don’t want to take away from your ability to feel manly.”

8. I will try to stop leaving make-up chunks on Hubby’s side of the sink and clean them up when they happen because Hubby hates when I leave messes on his side. (In my defense, I do this so he can always be remembering and  thinking about me fondly!)

9. I will try not to call Rae and Hubby Pukey 1 and Pukey 2 after they both puked New Year’s Eve because they drank too much.

10. I will try not to torment and squeeze Americus, the evil alarm clock cat, as much this year.

11. I will try not to torment my sisters so much even when they are mean to me and even though we are all grown ups now…..

12. I will be thankful for an amazing Hubby, who puts up with all of my antics and loves me still unconditionally, right Hubby?

Well, there you have it. My attempts to be a better and more well-rounded person for the New Year, although I think I am pretty amazing already….but I guess everyone has some improvement areas….

I hope everyone has an Amazing New Year and wish everyone health, happiness and winnings from the lottery for 2009!


Filed under holidays, humor, Husbands, Life

Cruisin’ Conversations


So, we made it back. It was probably the worst trip back EVER because we got (a little) too many speeding tickets (we think). Well, Hubby did. One in the middle of TX for going 85 mph (PEOPLE THE SPEED LIMIT THERE IS 80) however, it was still dark out (being that it was 6am) and so he got a ticket because he should have been going 65 (night speed). OOPS! Then there was a camera set up in Tucson….I hate those stupid speed cameras. So, we can’t be sure, but it totally flashed. Oh well. It happens, but I think this trip got very expensive!

Anyways, besides that part and the long, boring drive we did have some good conversations….

On Driving

Me: I hate driving! (Mind you I think on the way back I drove maybe an hour and a half out of 14 hours….. )

Hubby: Why

Me: Cause I see dead things. And it is probably not a good idea to close my eyes like I do everytime I see them.

On How much longer

Me: Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?

Hubby: I can pull this car over and you can walk!

On Speeding Tickets

Me: There goes our Christmas money. I think it may have been cheaper to fly!


On the Best BBQ in Texas (Advice to Readers)

Me: If you ever see this place GO THERE!


On Small Towns in the Middle of West Texas

Hubby: Let’s stop there…at the one that says Travel Center

Me (slowing down..yea it was the one time I was driving) Oh yea, THIS looks like a nice travel center. (FYI…it was a run down shack with ONE pump) Kinda like this, but not exactly…


Hubby: After we fill up, want a tour of the town?

Me: I think I will pass.

On food in the car:

Hubby doesn’t like me to eat in the car, but I do it anyways.


Hubby(angry-like): Did you drop your pretzels?!

Me: uh oh

Hubby: You will pick that up!

Me: Ooops I think it fell somewhere out of reach…..

Coming soon…pictures of my pretzel art

Well, there you have it. Don’t you just feel like you were in the car with us?

We didn’t kill each other and we are still talking to each other, so all in all good times!


Filed under holidays, Road Trips, Texas

On the Road Again…


Tomorrow at 5am we hit the road again back to AZ…..back to the grind. We had such a great time in Texas, it will be sad to leave. Our Christmas was great and we have so much loot to hall back….good thing we took the truck! Another great Christmas over, it always makes me sad because it is my most favorite time of the year. Now we will be headed on the open road early, early in the morning and then back to work this week. YUCK.

I will try not to scarf any Red Bull this time, so that I won’t have to pee every minute….hopefully. Yuck. I.HATE.THE.DRIVE.BACK.

Don’t worry road updates will follow. ARE WE THERE YET?

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Filed under Texas

Fun Family Conversations


Just some snippets of family conversation I thought you would enjoy from the holidays.

Mom-in-law to Hubby: Go pull your thing out and let’s play with it!

Hubby, Hubby’s sister and I start laughing…..yea, all of our minds were in the gutter that time!

FYI: she was referring to his baking….AND this is pre-drinking….

Later On that night…

Hubby: OOO OOO look Adult Emporium (XXX) is open…

Dad-in-law (on our way to the Boudros): We might stop there on our way back….we have so many batteries!

Hubby: Ummmm there is such a thing as TMI…and we have just reached that point.

And then at Christmas/Birtday time….

Me (opening my birthday gifts): OO OOO these are the bedsheets I wanted!

Everyone: What material are they?

Me: Satin-like, you know slip and slide material….

Gotta love family entertainment…it is even free!


Filed under family

Merry Christmas…

Last night at the Riverwalk was gorgeous! We had a great dinner, great conversations, and full bellies! Here is the proof…
Riverwalk lights!

Riverwalk lights!


Riverwalk bridge....

Riverwalk bridge....

Then on to Boudros….Amazing food and they make the BEST guacamole!

Yummy, Yummy!

Yummy, Yummy!

Very full kids!

Very full kids!

Group shot on the Riverwalk...

Group shot on the Riverwalk...

And then it was time for Christmas PJs…..woo hoo!

Yea for Christmas PJs

Yea for Christmas PJs

The family poses with their Christmas Pajamas! Fun times!

Pre-birthday cake....

Pre-birthday cake....

And then it was Christmas…….

Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree

Patches and her present, she is just like her momma…LOVES Christmas and CAN open her own gifts!

WOO HOO Presents!

WOO HOO Presents!

And the aftermath….we call it Christmas Carnage….

the leftover and some tired pups!

the leftover and some tired pups!

Merry Christmas Everyone! Hope yours is as fun as ours!


Filed under holidays, Texas


Our drive looked like this, now you can feel like you were right there with us…


We made it and I am still alive…Hubby didn’t kill me for asking “are we there yet” AND except for that unfortunate ( I almost died cause I had to pee) incident it was a relatively uneventful trip. Yea, I totally gulped a Red Bull once we got outside of El Paso and literally we had just passed a restroom and I didn’t have to go…then all of the sudden it hit me…and if we didn’t stop soon, I thought I would die.  Luckily for you all, I didn’t.

Anyways, we are here in San Antonio, weather is beautiful. Tonight we head down to the Riverwalk to look at all the pretty lights and to eat at a great Restaurant down there…..the guacamole is to die for! MMMM I am getting hungry just THINKING about the food! I will let you know how it is!

Happy Christmas Eve, from Texas…



Filed under family, holidays

Driving driving driving…

I have to pee really really bad and we are in the middle of no where so am trying to distract myself NOT WORKING! Ugh bumps…


Filed under Texas, Uncategorized