Tag Archives: Life




Check out the cool free stuff at: goodbadandugly2.com!

Well, it’s official. I am moving! No, really! Come join me at goodbadandugly2.com you won’t want to miss out on the most exciting giveaway that has me trembling with excitement. I won’t be updating this site anymore…so if you don’t want to miss out, come join me!

Monday is the big day—for giveaways and celebration because this project was no easy task! The new site is officially launched and you all can start clicking on ads, so I can earn some money (make Hubby proud, people or just support my blogging addiction, either way you are helping me out)!

Make sure you check back on Monday because you won’t want to miss out on a big exciting giveaway. It is WAY awesome and something that will make you chuckle with glee.

So be sure to follow me on my new adventure and site! Don’t forget to change your bookmarks!

 New Site: goodbadandugly2.com


And a HUGE thank you to my friend, GB, for helping me through the “creative” process! I literally thought I would kill you at times…but I LOVE the new site…except for….just kidding! And for helping me, after I messed up my site yesterday too…I PROMISE to never touch anything again…


Filed under blogging, Friends, giveaways

Not a genius…


So, I am not a genius today (shocking, right?).

I was messing around in the new site, NOT making any changes…just seeing what stuff did….and I did something. Apparently something bad cause it isn’t working.

Don’t know what I did…..but hang in there….no one is sadder than me, I think I need to not touch things anymore….

Emails to GB, web person friend, who will probably kill me—I’m thinking he needs to child proof my site  (me being the child here).

Me: Uhhhh you better take a look at my site…..it is messed up, but I didn’t do it!

GB: What did you do? Did you touch something?

Me: No

Me: Well….I mean, I DID just click one plugin thingy to see what it was…and so it MIGHT have been my fault.

GB: no answer, silence

1 Comment

Filed under blogging, Challenges

Dear Hubby Part 1

Don’t really miss you yet and I am doing fine.

 Barely any bad behavior…even did the dishes, however Rae and The Hostage keep making more.

I love having the bed to myself….except I am constantly fighting Patches for space.

I am still thinking the whole concept of getting our own separate twin beds would work.

Think about it, this could be cute! How about it?





Filed under Husbands, I am a genius

The Battle Continues…



Pets: 3     Me: 1 (chased them all, while wildly flailing my arms)


Filed under Bad Behavior, Pets

Monster House

Hubby called yesterday to see if I was behaving myself. Well, as we all know…I am never one to behave myself…especially when I don’t get my afternoon nap in on my furlough day. 

Hubby: So, what have you been up to?

Me: Scaring small children in the neighborhood.

Hubby: How?

Me: Well, this little boy came to our door and wanted me to go look for his ball that he threw into our yard. I went out and looked for it, but couldn’t find it. It was annoying, it was like he wanted me to fetch his ball and I wasn’t all about that. So, I told him he could come in and go into the backyard and look for it if he wanted it that bad. I mean, he shouldn’t have thrown it into our yard in the first place. Only he got really scared and said “I don’t think my Mom would let me go into a stranger’s house.” So, I said sorry—I can’t find it….and shut the door and locked it.

(Note: Now before you all get mad at me, you need to realize our backyard is filled with weeds that come up to my knees AND giant landmines….not people friendly….so while I did take a quick glance around….I wasn’t about hacking through our weed jungle to find the missing ball. AND the kids are constantly throwing stuff into our backyard….so forgive me for my lack of patience.)

Hubby: Awww poor little boy! You are so mean. He probably now associates you as the MEAN OLD LADY in the neighborhood. Way to start a reputation.



Filed under Bad Behavior

Hard Realizations

      Did you know my name means wealthy? Yea, not happening…..money2


Filed under growing up, Life

4 AM Wakeup Call


4:00 AM wakeup call on my furlough day. NOT COOL.


Americus started the ruckus by swinging at the blinds in our room, over my head. I tried not to move. Any signs of movement….and they will pounce, if they notice. I believe the cats sit up on on their hind legs, extend a paw, slash the blinds and stare at my head….waiting for signs of movement. If they see that their efforts are in vain, then they begin phase 2: stomach walking (crushing) and licking of eyelids–that usually does the trick, movement is unavoidable. Trust me on this one, sandpaper tongue on your eyelids isn’t the best feeling.

It is SO on……



Pets: 2    Me: 0

Why don’t they do this when Hubby is here?


Filed under Pets, Torture

When Hubby is Away the Cat will Play….

So, Hubby is out and about again on some consulting work. It is quite exciting really, because I get the bed to myself for 2 weeks. However, I will miss annoying him.  The truth is, I already (kind of) miss him…but don’t tell him that!

Whenever Hubby goes out of town, the pets always tend to act up a little. For instance, after getting up at 4:30AM to take Hubby to the airport, I decided to let Patches out quick to go potty and then my plan was to go straight back to bed. However, Americus, had other plans. There I was opening the door for Patches to come back in (just a crack mind you). When out runs Americus.


Me: Americus get back in here!

So, I run out after her, inadvertantly shutting the door behind me, which I had conviently locked. (Not genius material, people)

So there I am outside, locked out, with Americus staring up at me. I wanted to strangle her.

Eventually, I broke in through an open window. However, this is strike one against her. It’s like she KNOWS Hubby is away and figures it is her job to keep me entertained….nice right?


Pets: 1             Me: 0sneaky-cat


Filed under Bad Behavior, Pets

Love is Patient…


Over the weekend, I was procrastinating. This entailed moving at a snail-like pace….barely getting ready to go out. Hubby wanted to take my car in because it has been acting funny.

Me (playing at the computer, caught in the act)

Hubby (meanly): WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! GET DONE. I don’t want to wait in long lines to get your car done!

Me(surprised he caught me): I am just taking a quick break, you were in my way!

Me: Clearly we need a break from each other! I can’t wait for you to leave this week!

Hubby: Me Too! How does leaving tomorrow for two weeks sound?

Me: That is just not soon enough!

And that is how much we love each other….ha ha


Filed under Life, marriage

Weed Invasions and the Wonderful World of Rocks

A couple of weeks ago, I took a furlough day. What did I do with this wonderful day? I picked weeds.

(Note: Apparently, the NOT IT rule doesn’t work on weed picking. I want to see that fine print, Hubby.)


I used to think it would be amazing to live in the desert because of the lack of lawn maintenance, especially after moving from CT, where we had a yard the size of a medium jungle. Which was OH SO MUCH fun to maintain. So, once we got out West, I had a new-found passion for rocks. You know good ol’ rocks. You don’t have to mow them, you don’t have to clean them, you don’t have to maintain them. They simply just sit there and look pretty, so I thought.


BOY WAS I WRONG. How, you ask?

An infestation of weeds. We are not talking little, tiny weeds we are talking BIG, GYNORMOUS, HUGE Tree weeds. And not only are they HUGE, but their roots and stalks are the width of a paper towel roll. WHA?

Moral of Story: I HATE rocks. They are evil, they are NOT easy to maintain, and I guess I am just not cut out for yard work. AND I am lazy.



Filed under NOT IT rules, weeds