Monster House

Hubby called yesterday to see if I was behaving myself. Well, as we all know…I am never one to behave myself…especially when I don’t get my afternoon nap in on my furlough day. 

Hubby: So, what have you been up to?

Me: Scaring small children in the neighborhood.

Hubby: How?

Me: Well, this little boy came to our door and wanted me to go look for his ball that he threw into our yard. I went out and looked for it, but couldn’t find it. It was annoying, it was like he wanted me to fetch his ball and I wasn’t all about that. So, I told him he could come in and go into the backyard and look for it if he wanted it that bad. I mean, he shouldn’t have thrown it into our yard in the first place. Only he got really scared and said “I don’t think my Mom would let me go into a stranger’s house.” So, I said sorry—I can’t find it….and shut the door and locked it.

(Note: Now before you all get mad at me, you need to realize our backyard is filled with weeds that come up to my knees AND giant landmines….not people friendly….so while I did take a quick glance around….I wasn’t about hacking through our weed jungle to find the missing ball. AND the kids are constantly throwing stuff into our backyard….so forgive me for my lack of patience.)

Hubby: Awww poor little boy! You are so mean. He probably now associates you as the MEAN OLD LADY in the neighborhood. Way to start a reputation.



Filed under Bad Behavior

7 responses to “Monster House

  1. Ah, we’ve ALL done that. Either on the kid side or the irritable grown-up side. Don’t lose sleep. 😉

  2. it’s better that they fear you. they’ll leave you alone then.

  3. You won’t have to worry about kids throwing balls in your backyard ever again.

  4. This is an especially appropriate posting Monsters and all — come over to my place because I’ve left you a little something! Hugs!

  5. delaney55

    You should have told him that if he mowed the back yard he could look for the ball. 2 birds – 1 stone kinda thing.

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