Category Archives: Road Trips

Road Trips…

So, yesterday, Hubby and I got in the car and decided to go visit my friend Hacim (see Where do Babies Come From? ) since he wouldn’t come visit me.  And since I have two “furlough” days at work this week. Yea, that means days off with no pay. Isn’t life grand? Gotta love the economy. Not that I am complaining about the days off…that part I like, but the part without pay is the part I am not so fond of.

Anyways, after the long, boring road trip of “are we there  yets?” We finally are almost there.


Me: Are you excited to see me? We are 30 minutes away.

Hacim: Not really.

In Person

Me: Where do babies come from?

Hacim: Your ass.

This should be a fun weekend! 🙂


Filed under Friends, Road Trips

Cruisin’ Conversations


So, we made it back. It was probably the worst trip back EVER because we got (a little) too many speeding tickets (we think). Well, Hubby did. One in the middle of TX for going 85 mph (PEOPLE THE SPEED LIMIT THERE IS 80) however, it was still dark out (being that it was 6am) and so he got a ticket because he should have been going 65 (night speed). OOPS! Then there was a camera set up in Tucson….I hate those stupid speed cameras. So, we can’t be sure, but it totally flashed. Oh well. It happens, but I think this trip got very expensive!

Anyways, besides that part and the long, boring drive we did have some good conversations….

On Driving

Me: I hate driving! (Mind you I think on the way back I drove maybe an hour and a half out of 14 hours….. )

Hubby: Why

Me: Cause I see dead things. And it is probably not a good idea to close my eyes like I do everytime I see them.

On How much longer

Me: Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?

Hubby: I can pull this car over and you can walk!

On Speeding Tickets

Me: There goes our Christmas money. I think it may have been cheaper to fly!


On the Best BBQ in Texas (Advice to Readers)

Me: If you ever see this place GO THERE!


On Small Towns in the Middle of West Texas

Hubby: Let’s stop there…at the one that says Travel Center

Me (slowing down..yea it was the one time I was driving) Oh yea, THIS looks like a nice travel center. (FYI…it was a run down shack with ONE pump) Kinda like this, but not exactly…


Hubby: After we fill up, want a tour of the town?

Me: I think I will pass.

On food in the car:

Hubby doesn’t like me to eat in the car, but I do it anyways.


Hubby(angry-like): Did you drop your pretzels?!

Me: uh oh

Hubby: You will pick that up!

Me: Ooops I think it fell somewhere out of reach…..

Coming soon…pictures of my pretzel art

Well, there you have it. Don’t you just feel like you were in the car with us?

We didn’t kill each other and we are still talking to each other, so all in all good times!


Filed under holidays, Road Trips, Texas

Christmas Vaction=Freedom!

trip1Whew, the Holidays are upon us and I have the rest of the week off of work….what could be better? Lounging around in pjs…watching Christmas movies, DRINKING, hanging out with family, and doing nothing….life couldn’t get much better. I wish I could be a professional non-worker! J Maybe that will be my goal for the next year!

Time for the long car trip to TX. If you don’t hear from me, than you know Hubby killed me during our 14 hour road trip…..but I think he finds me entertaining, so I am not too worried…plus we have Britney AND RED BULL to get us there! Hopefully, I won’t have to stop at every pit stop…but that is probably NOT going to happen! WOOO HOOO for long car rides! I am sure the dog will be better than I will be! Poor Hubby, I have a feeling he is in for a LONG day tomorrow…especially since he wants to start our road trip at 5AM. EWWWWW. Have I mentioned I am not a morning person!

Hope everyone has a relaxing and FUN Christmas Holiday, and safe travels!  


Filed under christmas, Road Trips