Tag Archives: Television

DVR Madness


Me: OH NO! I NEED to delete something…the DVR has only 54 hours left of recording time.

Hubby: That is more than enough time!

Me: No it isn’t! You know how I like to keep our “available air time” at 60 hours.

Hubby: You are crazy.

Me (trance-like): I need to delete. Can I delete this show?

Hubby: NO!

Me: I need to delete. You don’t ever watch any of these shows in here! Can I delete this show?

Hubby: NO!

Me: You are crimping my DVR style.

Hubby: Right….

(Totally going to delete something when he isn’t looking…)

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Filed under Blog Friends, Delusions of a Husband, Weird Info about me



Today’s version of America’s Next Top Blogger is brought to you by Lori at I Can Grow People . I have known Lori while our Hubbys’ attended grad school and now we have reconnected through our blogs! What a small world!

Her topic/question pertained to the Sham-Wow guy. My thoughts on him and what is his deal?

First off, I must say, you stumped me a bit with this one….Sham…what? I know, where have I been, right? But, I must admit, Lori, I don’t get out much, Hubby keeps me locked in the closet and somehow I must have missed this late night infomercial. So, I googled it (oh, the wonders of google). Yup, there he was staring at me.

ARE.YOU.SERIOUS? Then I realized; I have met him, no not the one in the infomercials, but his evil SHAM-WOW twin brother. Yea, ok, he had different color hair and not the same smile, but the clothes, mic and hairstyle WERE the same and his SHAM was the same! So, here’s the dirt:

A couple weekends, right before Christmas time, Hubby and I were shopping around in the mall and found ourselves at Sears. We were trying to find that one, perfect, last minute gift when lo and behold:

“ATTENTION Customers…if you will come down to the first floor right away and join us for this special in-store  demonstration we will give you a free promotional item just for coming down here.”

FREE? FREE? I looked at Hubby….yes, I LOVE free things. I know, I am so naive. So, Hubby and I trample down to the first floor and lo and behold some amazing product that will change our lives forever.

*Do you hate to clean?  (YES!)

*Do you need a product that can make cleaning a breeze? (YES!)

*Do you want to get the hair tumbleweeds off your floor for good? (YES, please!)

Then give me 10 minutes of your time and I will give you one for free!

WOW, really? So, we waited, we participated, we stood, and we watched in amazement. And in the end, all we got was this lousy piece of cloth the size of a tissue that is like a chamois, but not…..but for 3 installments of $19.95….you too can have this life changing floor device.

Yea, SURE.

LAST TIME I fall for that one SCAMMER SHAM people! I hate you. And your evil twin brother!


Filed under America's Next Top Blogger, blogging, Challenges

Replication Theory

A couple of summers ago, Steven Spielberg did a reality show called, On the Lot. It was about wanna be filmakers who wanted to make it big. The winner would get to work with Spielberg. My cousin, Hubby and I watched it religiously. I don’t know why they stopped making this show, but I thought it was amazing.

This video was my favorite and I thought I would share it with you all because this is so TRUE! 🙂

Check it out:


Filed under humor

The Chronic Deleter

Ok, so I have another confession to make. I am ADDICTED to deleting. I can’t explain it, but I can admit to it. We have a DVR and I am OBSESSED with deleting. If the hubby isn’t home and hasn’t watched his recorded shows in a “timely” manner (yea, what I consider to be timely is usually a few hours…look I am confessing here….don’t judge) then I HAVE to delete them. I usually try not to tell him, but he usually notices. I really can’t help it, it is an addiction. I can’t explain the pleasure that runs through me as I am deleting something….be it in the DVR, my emails, my phone, you name it…if you can delete it I will. I think I might need to go to therapy for this……I even (sometimes) dream about deleting…I don’t know why. It makes me happy. Even my sister cannot get over my habit. The other day she told me I could delete her Dexter show cause she watched it at a friend’s house…then she changed her mind because she thought I would get “delete happy” and delete the wrong thing. Oh, she knows me too well. I would claim denial of course, but I am a bad liar and she knows it. Oh crap, do they have a deleter’s anonymous? I might need to attend and soon….before I delete this post.


Filed under Life

Blast from the Past

So, this past week we finally got the first season of Knight Rider in the mail from Blockbuster (it has been on long wait status for like forever).  AND I cannot get enough of it!

I can remember how much I LOVED that show as a kid (Michael Knight and Kitt). I thought they were real, I thought he was an amazing crime fighter and I wanted to BE Knight Rider. So, when he came to our town to film at The London Bridge, you can imagine my excitement. The movie was called The Bridge Across Time, see here: http://www.stomptokyo.com/otf/Bridge/Bridge.htm

 Never heard of it? Yea, I have no idea…..something about Jack the Ripper being transported through the bricks of The London Bridge. All I can remember is that I was 7 years old and couldn’t have been more excited to hear who was in town. My excitement was uncontrollable. I just knew, if I could meet him, then I could invite him to dinner and learn how to become a Knight Rider and have a car like Kitt. Maybe I could be the Knight Rider’s long, lost daughter! The possibilities were endless!

Well, it all happened….I met him, got his autograph, invited him to dinner and everything. I can even remember the card that he handed out (a picture of himself in the black jacket– yea, I have no idea where that picture ended up, probably in the trash somewhere) to which he autographed something on the back. He made some excuse about not being able to come to dinner and my hopes and dreams were shattered. I could never look at him the same afterwards. He broke my seven year old heart. I remember telling friends how I met him and invited him to dinner, but my version was something like he had to get back to Kitt, otherwise he would have stayed….but, you know, duty calls! After that, I never loved Knight Rider with as much fervor again, but I still watched the show because maybe, just maybe he really did have to go fight crime and rescue damsels in distress.

Now, all those feelings are coming back and I know if I could just invite him to dinner again, this time……maybe he would come? Maybe?


Filed under childhood