Tag Archives: ask away

Ask Hubby


Hubby has been tinkering away at his so called first blog, but he can’t seem to make up his mind on a topic. Like there are a lack of things to talk about? I can think of a multitude of topics, especially talking about his amazing, loving, genius and cute wifey. So, it is your turn readers…..I am going to turn over the reigns to Hubby…but just for one blog (we all know he won’t be as popular as me), since he does seem to want to share some of his side of the story.

I have decided he should get inspired, by you dear readers! So ask away, and I will make him answer each and every one of your amazing questions….you know (i.e. how amazing is your wife? How do you live in her shadow? She seems like the perfect wife, how did you find her?) Hopefully this will probe his little brain and make him reflect on how really lucky he is to have me….

Right Hubby? Cause I am pretty perfect!


So, don’t disappoint me readers, I feel the need to be entertained….fire away!


Filed under marriage