Category Archives: Friends




Check out the cool free stuff at:!

Well, it’s official. I am moving! No, really! Come join me at you won’t want to miss out on the most exciting giveaway that has me trembling with excitement. I won’t be updating this site anymore…so if you don’t want to miss out, come join me!

Monday is the big day—for giveaways and celebration because this project was no easy task! The new site is officially launched and you all can start clicking on ads, so I can earn some money (make Hubby proud, people or just support my blogging addiction, either way you are helping me out)!

Make sure you check back on Monday because you won’t want to miss out on a big exciting giveaway. It is WAY awesome and something that will make you chuckle with glee.

So be sure to follow me on my new adventure and site! Don’t forget to change your bookmarks!

 New Site:


And a HUGE thank you to my friend, GB, for helping me through the “creative” process! I literally thought I would kill you at times…but I LOVE the new site…except for….just kidding! And for helping me, after I messed up my site yesterday too…I PROMISE to never touch anything again…


Filed under blogging, Friends, giveaways

My Friendship will Cost You…

but it is totally WORTH it! 🙂



Filed under Friends, humor

Road Trips…

So, yesterday, Hubby and I got in the car and decided to go visit my friend Hacim (see Where do Babies Come From? ) since he wouldn’t come visit me.  And since I have two “furlough” days at work this week. Yea, that means days off with no pay. Isn’t life grand? Gotta love the economy. Not that I am complaining about the days off…that part I like, but the part without pay is the part I am not so fond of.

Anyways, after the long, boring road trip of “are we there  yets?” We finally are almost there.


Me: Are you excited to see me? We are 30 minutes away.

Hacim: Not really.

In Person

Me: Where do babies come from?

Hacim: Your ass.

This should be a fun weekend! 🙂


Filed under Friends, Road Trips

What do you think?

Hubby is still away….so no tormenting him. Hacim was so popular that I will tell you a bit more about him.

Over the summer, as Hubby and I were moving from the East Coast, we stopped and spent a few days with Hacim and his girl. It was great to hang out with them and we had some very funny conversations. One of them being the topic of marriage. Hacim and his girl have been together for awhile now (and I think they are a good match), and just to get under his skin I brought it up. In my defense though, he brings up the baby topic. Which is yucky to me. I like kids, but the thought of having one come out and stretch out my you know what doesn’t appeal to me. (Ok, judge away). Plus I am not a baby fan. I like to hang out and give them back. That is it. So, basically we know how to thoroughly annoy each other.

However, this time when we were talking about marriage he acutally wanted to talk about it.

Hacim: I found the perfect ring for when I get married.

His girl (rolling her eyes): WAIT til you see what he wants.

Me: I am excited! Show me.

His girl: GUESS where he found this “supposed ring” he wants!?

Me: Where?

Hacim: THE SKY MALL magazine!

His girl: ugh.

So we then go online and he shows me the ring of his dreams. It is funny, usually it is the girl that is excited for the jewelry, right? But, as Hacim showed me the picture, his eyes lit up with excitement, joy, and adoration.

Here it is:


Me: OMG this is hilarious. When you were saying you wanted a Batman ring, I was thinking a decoder ring. You know you point it at the wall and then a big B is on the wall.

I never laughed so hard…..but now I kind of like it.

So, what do you all think? Could this pass for a wedding ring?


Filed under childhood, Friends, humor

The Black Line


So this weekend I attended a baby shower for my dearest, oldest friend (not old in the literal sense), but old as in we go way, way back! We joked about how long we have known each other, which stems back to Tot Lot, a place for kids almost ready for kindergarten. Yea, we go way back. She was always the quiet, good kid, and I was the not so quiet, I-can’t-help-that-I-have-a-loud-voice kid. She used to get me in trouble all the time, by whispering to me in her near silent voice“…want to come over today?”  Whereas, my whisper back “ WHAT DID YOU SAY?” would send me packing for the black line. For those of you that don’t know what a black line is…it was the line in the Kindergarten classroom separating the carpet from the tile floor. But, to me, it was the BLACK LINE of shame for those who committed the eternal sin of LOUD WHISPERS. Our friendship was always a strong one, after awhile the black line became my friend, as well as the family joke!

My grandparents would come to visit and they would ask, “Did you have to sit on the black line today?” and I would reply, “yes, but today it was a big black snake taking me for a ride through the desert.” AHHH if only the black line could come rescue me from my job during the course of the day! How I miss you, my friend!


Filed under Friends