Tag Archives: bunnies

Yes, I believe in the Easter Bunny


I love the Easter Bunny, and at our house he ALWAYS comes. (Albeit in the form of Hubby, but that is besides the point)

One of my most favorite things that Hubby does for me is that he makes a big deal out of the Holidays for me. I don’t know why, but I.LOVE.HOLIDAYS. LOVE EM. Especially when it comes to holidays where one “gets” things. Easter baskets are a favorite for me because you get chocolate and LOTS of it. And because you have to go look for your basket….I like a little bit of a challenge, however if Hubby hides the baskets too well….well then I get crabby when I can’t find mine fast enough.

So, this holiday, the sisters are demanding Easter baskets too….

Rae: You better make me an Easter basket!

Hubby: No, I don’t have too….

Rae: Yes you do! Please? I will do the dishes (this is clear desperation here, people!)

Later on Hubby calls me

Hubby: So, I (the Jew) have to make you and your sisters Easter Baskets? What is wrong with this picture? And depending WHO is the nicest determines the SIZE of their Easter basket!

Me: I get the BIGGEST one! And don’t forget to hide them in good places–but don’t make mine too hard!

Gotta love Easter time! Hope you all have a great one!


Filed under holidays

Bombs away…


So, yesterday we met up with my aunt, who was visiting for a work conference. We had a great time, we sat by the pool, had a few drinks and chatted. The resort she was staying at was gorgeous and had all kinds of wildlife. Bunnies, ducks, birds…and they were all adorable. So, as we were all sitting there chatting away we hear this big noise, and before we know it we are surrounded in green poo. My Aunt got the brunt of it and I go a little on my hand. So much for enjoying the wildlife, eh?

All of the sudden those ducks and birds didn’t look so cute anymore…


Filed under family