Tag Archives: dying

Tunnel Ear


Still want to die. I think I have tunnel ear. You know, where your ear is so blocked up that normal, everyday sounds are magnified to be 20 times LOUDER than normal. For instance, the neighbors booming stereo, sounded like it could have been playing in my room. Maybe there was a party in my room while I was sleeping, let me tell you that Nyquill is good stuff. Although I am getting real close to needing another bottle of it.

I can’t hear out of my left ear at all and my left nostril is completely shut down. I have slept a total of  a day and a half (and I think I will go sleep some more) and still feel like crap! What is this? 

 I am quite attractive too….tissues stuffed up my nose (due to not being able to blow my nose).

Thanks for all your well wishes, hopefully I will make it through this. Hubby sucks at being a nurse! Not to say I would be any better….


Filed under Life

Nyquill Daze


Hubby made me sick, or maybe it is the fact that everyone at work is coughing and hacking on me. My genes of steel have finally given in and I am going to crawl under my covers and die. If I survive my Nyquill-cold-induced daze, I will be back with a vengence, but until then, me and my wads of tissues are going to go die in bed.

See you around. If I make it.

Hubby (proud of himself): See! I made you sick, now you can stay home and call in sick to work!

Me (said with a stuffy nose): Yea, thanks A LOT. Who wants to call in sick on their sick days?


Filed under Life