Tag Archives: updates




Check out the cool free stuff at: goodbadandugly2.com!

Well, it’s official. I am moving! No, really! Come join me at goodbadandugly2.com you won’t want to miss out on the most exciting giveaway that has me trembling with excitement. I won’t be updating this site anymore…so if you don’t want to miss out, come join me!

Monday is the big day—for giveaways and celebration because this project was no easy task! The new site is officially launched and you all can start clicking on ads, so I can earn some money (make Hubby proud, people or just support my blogging addiction, either way you are helping me out)!

Make sure you check back on Monday because you won’t want to miss out on a big exciting giveaway. It is WAY awesome and something that will make you chuckle with glee.

So be sure to follow me on my new adventure and site! Don’t forget to change your bookmarks!

 New Site: goodbadandugly2.com


And a HUGE thank you to my friend, GB, for helping me through the “creative” process! I literally thought I would kill you at times…but I LOVE the new site…except for….just kidding! And for helping me, after I messed up my site yesterday too…I PROMISE to never touch anything again…


Filed under blogging, Friends, giveaways

Americus: an Update

Americus woke me up this morning to eat. I have NEVER been so happy for a wake up call from her!

So far, she has eaten a little wet food and a very tiny amount of dry food last night. Things are looking up.

Thanks for all your well wishes, out there. It means a lot—to all of us! 🙂



Filed under Life