Tag Archives: vet

A Big No-No

So, this morning I got up early to take Boston to the vet for his allergies. Which he does have, by the way. At this point, I think we own half the vet, but hey….Boston is MY baby and he has been keeping me up for a week with his sneezing.  They gave us medicine to help his sneezing and he should be better in no time, so I am not worried. They also taught us how to force pills down his throat. NOT FUN. I think I am going to try smashing them into his favorite roast beef sandwich from Arby’s before I try and use that gizmo.

Anyway, this morning after I got dressed to go to the vet, out walks Hubby in practically the same outfit as me. Jeans and the same color tee-shirt. Not okay.

Me: Hubby! You are basically wearing the same outfit as me! You need to change.

Hubby: No, I am not! My shirt is a little different and besides I thought you liked when we dressed alike and are all matchy-matchy.

Me: Ummmm are you crazy? No, I don’t want to match. EVER. We are not cute like that. I AM NOT CUTE LIKE THAT. I would never say something like that. Now, Go change quick!

NOT okay with this....

NOT okay with this....


Filed under Life, Marriage no-nos

Americus: an Update

Americus woke me up this morning to eat. I have NEVER been so happy for a wake up call from her!

So far, she has eaten a little wet food and a very tiny amount of dry food last night. Things are looking up.

Thanks for all your well wishes, out there. It means a lot—to all of us! 🙂



Filed under Life

Some Serious News


Well, things haven’t been getting much better since yesterday.

Americus, our alarm clock cat, is sick. It was weird because one minute she was fine, and the next she wasn’t eating or drinking and having bathroom problems, as well as extensive vomiting. I spent most of the night looking after her. Was pretty freaked out. Still am.

She is only 9, and we took her to the vet this morning. Of course, this isn’t any easier because Hubby isn’t here.

The vet has put her on some meds, but was alarmed by a high ALT level. This means she has enzymes leaking from her liver into her blood, which, from what I understand, could lead to liver failure. They gave her a hydration treatement and are hoping the medications will help before they determine any next steps.

I guess what is surprising to me, is that she wasn’t sick one day ago. She was acting normal…wake up calls and all.

I am hoping everything will be ok.


Filed under fears, Pets

My Dog, the ConeHead

This past week, Patches has been licking and licking and licking and licking and licking and licking and licking (well, I think you get the point) her back leg until it was raw. Seeing this, Hubby and I decided we would try our hands at being veternarians (this is not reccommended, but it seemed to work, at first), since our income, lately has been on the downward spiral. We decided we would saran wrap this rogue leg, so she couldn’t lick it.
However, about six or seven days later, she was still licking and the saran wrap was just not cutting it.

So, today,  Hubby took her to the vet (after much begging and pleading to take our “dying puppy” to the vet so her leg would not fall off and she wouldn’t die..insert my sad puppy eyes here)!

They think it is some kind of bacterial infection, since it is nowhere else on her body, but this one spot. So, they gave her some antiseptic spray and shaved her back leg and said we have to watch her and make sure she doesn’t lick it!


And then…..they said she had to wear the conehead, to make sure she didn’t lick….I really tried not to laugh when I saw this…I know, I am such a bad mother….as I pointed and rolled on the floor!


But, as she banged into the walls to come and greet me when I got home, I just fell to the floor laughing because everywhere she went she banged into EVERYTHING. Poor, Poor Patches. She is the saddest dog ever and after what we paid at the vet, Hubby is forcing her to wear it per the vet’s reccomendation of ten days!

Poor, Sad Patches!



Filed under humor, Pets