Tag Archives: laziness

Weed Invasions and the Wonderful World of Rocks

A couple of weeks ago, I took a furlough day. What did I do with this wonderful day? I picked weeds.

(Note: Apparently, the NOT IT rule doesn’t work on weed picking. I want to see that fine print, Hubby.)


I used to think it would be amazing to live in the desert because of the lack of lawn maintenance, especially after moving from CT, where we had a yard the size of a medium jungle. Which was OH SO MUCH fun to maintain. So, once we got out West, I had a new-found passion for rocks. You know good ol’ rocks. You don’t have to mow them, you don’t have to clean them, you don’t have to maintain them. They simply just sit there and look pretty, so I thought.


BOY WAS I WRONG. How, you ask?

An infestation of weeds. We are not talking little, tiny weeds we are talking BIG, GYNORMOUS, HUGE Tree weeds. And not only are they HUGE, but their roots and stalks are the width of a paper towel roll. WHA?

Moral of Story: I HATE rocks. They are evil, they are NOT easy to maintain, and I guess I am just not cut out for yard work. AND I am lazy.



Filed under NOT IT rules, weeds

How HARD is it?


Another OH SO FUN Monday at work. Tell me why I have to deal with nutjobs? Please, tell me what I did….

So, I am sending out a link to a website to our committee members to review their stuff. Here’s my problem:

1. They wait til the last minute to review their materials, how do I know because I can tell when the stuff has been opened. (I looked at the link)

2. They then proceed to call me about an hour before the meeting, telling me they can’t “access the website” (PS I SENT THEM THE LINK and TESTED the link)

3. They tell me they can’t review their items because they can’t find where they are supposed to get those said items (PS I SENT THEM THE DIRECT LINK)

4. They email me telling me where they think the items they need to review “might” be located, but for some reason, they can’t find them (PS i sent them the link)

5. They tell me that they can’t find the email where I sent them the link (PS I sent them the link 3 times…..)

I give up….


Filed under I am a genius, work

In the Zone…


(NOTE: Boston refused to give us the royalty check for this picture. This is the position we find him in when we come home)

Yes, I will fully admit it. I am one of the laziest people I know. So, when I decided I would start getting up at 4:30am (psycho) every morning to get a good parking spot ( saving money) and workout, most of my friends and family laughed at me. But, I would have laughed at myself too because I know that I am lazy. For instance, I will call Hubby to bring me a water when I am standing two feet away from the fridge because I feel like he needs to feel useful.

So, the mere fact that I have kept up with this (without making up excuses) is amazing. Really. Truly. It isn’t that I am not motivated, I just get bored easily. ( I think it is cause I am the smartest person in the world–no, really…I am)

The irony is that I think I will keep this up. I mean, besides the getting out of bed part (my pillows are so comfy AND it is dark outside), I am actually enjoying myself once I get to the exercise room. I am actually finding myself to feel energized and I am amazingly witty in the morning (yea, this is a rarity as we all know I am no morning person); I guess I should thank the endorphins. I also have new found energy and besides feeling old, barely being able to lift my arms and feeling like my legs can barely support me after I exercise….I think that I can keep this thing up.

You want to know my secret?

Britney Spears, baby. Yea, that is right….she gets me through the eliptical, bike machine, treadmill, and arm machines. I love her. So, I must dedicate my new-found passion, increase in brain power, and ability to get up in the morning to Britney.

Special Note: Thanks to Hubby for making me a mix cd of all Britney’s music.



Filed under exercise, lazy, work

Dirty Girl

Hubby: You should take a shower.

Me: Eh, I am too lazy.

Hubby: I am cleaner than you, I took a shower today.

Me: So, I took a shower last night.

Hubby: That was 1 day ago.

Me: So, tomorrow I am going to be dirty girl.

Hubby: Ewwwww. Stinky.



Filed under lazy