Tag Archives: not okay

A Big No-No

So, this morning I got up early to take Boston to the vet for his allergies. Which he does have, by the way. At this point, I think we own half the vet, but hey….Boston is MY baby and he has been keeping me up for a week with his sneezing.  They gave us medicine to help his sneezing and he should be better in no time, so I am not worried. They also taught us how to force pills down his throat. NOT FUN. I think I am going to try smashing them into his favorite roast beef sandwich from Arby’s before I try and use that gizmo.

Anyway, this morning after I got dressed to go to the vet, out walks Hubby in practically the same outfit as me. Jeans and the same color tee-shirt. Not okay.

Me: Hubby! You are basically wearing the same outfit as me! You need to change.

Hubby: No, I am not! My shirt is a little different and besides I thought you liked when we dressed alike and are all matchy-matchy.

Me: Ummmm are you crazy? No, I don’t want to match. EVER. We are not cute like that. I AM NOT CUTE LIKE THAT. I would never say something like that. Now, Go change quick!

NOT okay with this....

NOT okay with this....


Filed under Life, Marriage no-nos