Tag Archives: Travel

The Truth Comes Out…


Hubby heads out of town tomorrow, but this time only for 1.5 days. So he is hardly gone long enough for me to enjoy the whole bed to myself. (Well besides when I have my boyfriends over…)

Me ( a little too excitedly): What time do you leave tomorrow?

Hubby: Why?

Me: I am looking forward to getting the bed to myself and having a whole day in the house by myself. WOO HOO!

Hubby: How rude. Won’t you miss me?

Me: Ummmm let me think about this. NO, not really.

But will you bring me back a present? 🙂

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Filed under Love

There’s No Place Like Home, right? RIGHT?


After all these NICE LOVE blogs I did for Hubby, THIS is the thanks I get. People, you have no idea what I put up with! 🙂


Me (he called earlier): Sorry been in meetings all day, hope you are having fun flying. Excited to have you home.

Hubby: Boarding for Cancun now…

NOTE: (That is NOT where we live….)

Me: I hate you!


Filed under Husbands

Cruisin’ Conversations


So, we made it back. It was probably the worst trip back EVER because we got (a little) too many speeding tickets (we think). Well, Hubby did. One in the middle of TX for going 85 mph (PEOPLE THE SPEED LIMIT THERE IS 80) however, it was still dark out (being that it was 6am) and so he got a ticket because he should have been going 65 (night speed). OOPS! Then there was a camera set up in Tucson….I hate those stupid speed cameras. So, we can’t be sure, but it totally flashed. Oh well. It happens, but I think this trip got very expensive!

Anyways, besides that part and the long, boring drive we did have some good conversations….

On Driving

Me: I hate driving! (Mind you I think on the way back I drove maybe an hour and a half out of 14 hours….. )

Hubby: Why

Me: Cause I see dead things. And it is probably not a good idea to close my eyes like I do everytime I see them.

On How much longer

Me: Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?

Hubby: I can pull this car over and you can walk!

On Speeding Tickets

Me: There goes our Christmas money. I think it may have been cheaper to fly!


On the Best BBQ in Texas (Advice to Readers)

Me: If you ever see this place GO THERE!


On Small Towns in the Middle of West Texas

Hubby: Let’s stop there…at the one that says Travel Center

Me (slowing down..yea it was the one time I was driving) Oh yea, THIS looks like a nice travel center. (FYI…it was a run down shack with ONE pump) Kinda like this, but not exactly…


Hubby: After we fill up, want a tour of the town?

Me: I think I will pass.

On food in the car:

Hubby doesn’t like me to eat in the car, but I do it anyways.


Hubby(angry-like): Did you drop your pretzels?!

Me: uh oh

Hubby: You will pick that up!

Me: Ooops I think it fell somewhere out of reach…..

Coming soon…pictures of my pretzel art

Well, there you have it. Don’t you just feel like you were in the car with us?

We didn’t kill each other and we are still talking to each other, so all in all good times!


Filed under holidays, Road Trips, Texas

Merry Christmas…

Last night at the Riverwalk was gorgeous! We had a great dinner, great conversations, and full bellies! Here is the proof…
Riverwalk lights!

Riverwalk lights!


Riverwalk bridge....

Riverwalk bridge....

Then on to Boudros….Amazing food and they make the BEST guacamole!

Yummy, Yummy!

Yummy, Yummy!

Very full kids!

Very full kids!

Group shot on the Riverwalk...

Group shot on the Riverwalk...

And then it was time for Christmas PJs…..woo hoo!

Yea for Christmas PJs

Yea for Christmas PJs

The family poses with their Christmas Pajamas! Fun times!

Pre-birthday cake....

Pre-birthday cake....

And then it was Christmas…….

Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree

Patches and her present, she is just like her momma…LOVES Christmas and CAN open her own gifts!

WOO HOO Presents!

WOO HOO Presents!

And the aftermath….we call it Christmas Carnage….

the leftover and some tired pups!

the leftover and some tired pups!

Merry Christmas Everyone! Hope yours is as fun as ours!


Filed under holidays, Texas

Driving driving driving…

I have to pee really really bad and we are in the middle of no where so am trying to distract myself NOT WORKING! Ugh bumps…


Filed under Texas, Uncategorized