Tag Archives: dog


I definately have the strangest pets ever. They all have a tendency to copy each other. It is pretty funny. I have no idea why they do this, but I do know that Boston thinks he is a dog and Patches thinks she is a cat and Americus mostly thinks she is a cat too!

Every day when I come home from work, Boston is waiting for me to come home at exactly the right time. How does he know this?

Boton waiting for me to come home!

Boton waiting for me to come home!

 Patches, on the other hand, thinks she is a cat…

Patches the chair cat

Patches the chair cat

So, Boston has to reclaim his chair as soon as she gets up…

MY chair..

MY chair..

Also, Boston refuses to drink from his own water dish…he prefers the dog dish.

mmm dog water...

mmm dog water...

So, then Americus see this and must partake too….

hmmm not so sure about this...

hmmm not so sure about this...

Very strange pets, indeed.


Filed under Uncategorized

Cheaters Always Prosper


Lesson of the day: Never underestimate me because I am THAT good. 

I have just gotten out of bed, despite the fact that the pets have been at me for hours trying to wake me up to feed them—-banging my head, meowing, doing my hair, pawing at the blinds, whining, crying, vomiting, you name it they did it. But, I have not moved, not even flinched in fear of them seeing any sign of movement. It is better they think I am still asleep, so they can move on to torment someone ELSE.

Eventually, Hubby finally gets his sorry you know what out of bed to feed them, after I literally push him out of bed. I mean, it is ME who feeds them all week long, it won’t kill him to do weekend detail.

After he comes back to bed, and I get up, he sidesteps the vomit and snidely says:

Hubby: NOT IT!

Me: Doesn’t count!

Hubby: Yes it does!

Me: Nope, I called sometime around 4:30ish AM, not my fault you didn’t hear it. So, you already lost your chance.

Beat that!

Hubby: It doesn’t count if I don’t hear it.

Me: Yes it does…because you were right by me…you just CHOSE not hear me. IT COUNTS!

UPDATE: Rae heard me call NOT IT at 4:30. I WIN.


Filed under NOT IT rules, Pets

Evil Dynamic Duos and Dinner

mmmm Arbys!

mmmm Arbys!

Dear Hubby,

Since you are not here to feed me, I must fend for myself (scary thought). We are running out of cereal, so there are not a lot of choices. After last nights’ pasta fiasco, I wasn’t even about to attempt making dinner. So, I stopped at Arby’s on the way home. Nothing like a roast beef sandwich to end off the day and the pets couldn’t have agreed more with this. 

MMM give me that Arbys! Or I will eat you!

MMM give me that Arbys! Or I will eat you!

Here are your evil fur children, accosting me throughout the whole dinner, and at one point I thought Boston might maim me for my roast beef sandwich. I think it is time for a pub style table ASAP! 

I am so cute...GIVE me your Arbys!

I am so cute...GIVE me your Arbys!

HEY! I am right HERE! Hand over the roast beef.

HEY! I am right HERE! Hand over the roast beef.

So, being the amazing mother I am: I gave some roast beef to the evil dynamic duo in fear of my life. And then Boston almost ate my finger off.




Filed under humor, Pets

Like Mother, Like Doggy Daughter

Let me paint a picture for you. This morning, I decided to take a personal day from work….I just need it! Mostly because of this:


The thought of missing some free food, just doesn’t work for me. Plus, it doesn’t help that my nose is all stuffed up and my head hurts….hopefully that part will go away once I eat.

So, here I am sleeping in….Hubby is sleeping on his side, facing the other direction, when Patches comes running into our room, stares Hubby in the face and BURPS right in his face. And it was loud!

Hubby: Ewwwwwwwwwwwww

Me: THAT was awesome! That’s my girl!

Burp Queen

Burp Queen


Filed under humor, Pets