Tag Archives: eating out

Strange Encounters at Hooter’s


NOTE: Not meant to offend any preggo readers. But, I hope none of you work at Hooters!

My friend and I went out to lunch today. She was craving a burger, and the closest burger joint near our work is Hooters. So, I suggested we go there for lunch. She was excited because she LOVES Hooter’s girls. She is dirty like that. (I am just kidding, she is going to KILL me for writing this, but I kinda have a deathwish)

Anyways, we get there and are quickly seated, despite me staring and whispering…

Me: DID you see that preggo Hooter’s girl. Weird place to work for a preggo, don’t you think? (My whisper voice is kinda loud)

Friend: SHHHHHH THIS is why I can’t go anywhere with you!

And GUESS what happens?

Preggo becomes our waitress. I just couldn’t stop staring at her belly. Now, don’t get me wrong. I am not passing judgement on the preggos. I even have some friends that are preggo. More power to them, but preggo and working at Hooters? Well, hmmmm just a little awkward. I mean she was OBVIOUSLY preggo, not just a little. Her belly was practically on our table. So, anyways there I am just staring at her belly, while she asks what we want to drink, thinking that maybe her baby is going to have to start working at Hooters once s/he is born. Poor thing. Hopefully it is a girl. And what if her water breaks here at Hooters? Is that a health hazard? (These are the questions that go through my mind. I just can’t help it.)

When my friend points out that we were obligated to have her as our waitress because

1. We are the only girls in the place besides the waitstaff

2. We were probably her best source of tip money today because what guy comes to Hooters to have a preggo waitress? AWKWARD

So, then I felt bad for her. But, I also felt discriminated against. I mean, so what…just cause we are girls, we can’t get a real Hooters girl? Total discrimination if you ask me. My friend is still disappointed she didn’t get to ogle any waitresses. Ah, maybe next time.

AND, just so you know, I left Preggo a good tip. I hope she can quit her day job!


Filed under Food, Strange observances

Evil Dynamic Duos and Dinner

mmmm Arbys!

mmmm Arbys!

Dear Hubby,

Since you are not here to feed me, I must fend for myself (scary thought). We are running out of cereal, so there are not a lot of choices. After last nights’ pasta fiasco, I wasn’t even about to attempt making dinner. So, I stopped at Arby’s on the way home. Nothing like a roast beef sandwich to end off the day and the pets couldn’t have agreed more with this. 

MMM give me that Arbys! Or I will eat you!

MMM give me that Arbys! Or I will eat you!

Here are your evil fur children, accosting me throughout the whole dinner, and at one point I thought Boston might maim me for my roast beef sandwich. I think it is time for a pub style table ASAP! 

I am so cute...GIVE me your Arbys!

I am so cute...GIVE me your Arbys!

HEY! I am right HERE! Hand over the roast beef.

HEY! I am right HERE! Hand over the roast beef.

So, being the amazing mother I am: I gave some roast beef to the evil dynamic duo in fear of my life. And then Boston almost ate my finger off.




Filed under humor, Pets