Tag Archives: poop


He IS cute when he is asleep!

He IS cute when he is asleep!

I was puppysitting Cullen last night (he is aptly named after the vampires in Twilight). He runs at me with his mouth wide open: glistening, razor sharp puppy teeth bared for the kill….yea, you get the picture. Looks can be deceiving, people!

Don’t get me wrong, he is cute and all….but my arms look like I am trying to cut myself, but miss ALL.THE.TIME.

So, back to my OMG gross story. There I was minding my own business, playing with Cully as I call him, and what does he do? He takes a dump in the den. Never mind the fact that I had just taken him outside!

Anyways, I turn my back for ONE SECOND to grab the clean up materials….and low and behold the poop is mysteriously GONE! Where did it go?

Well, my little vampire friend decided to have a tasty snack.



Then my sister picked him up, and gave him kisses! 🙂


Filed under Pets, puppies