


1. What is the object of your blog!!!!….


Answer:  I have no clue.  I have thought about talking about the wifey’s bad habits, since mine seem to come as great humor to so many, but the fact of the matter is that I have done nothing about it.  We had some idle conversation at lunch one day and then the next thing I know there is a post and an outcry for me to start writing.  Since I don’t blog, I have put it on the back shelf, instead concentrating more on finding a job.  Anticipating the wifey’s response, there are plenty of times where I have sat around and watched TV, so the time is there I just have not done it


2. “How about, for Father’s Day, your amazing (genuis, cute, etc.) wifey does two days of ‘it’ duty? She’s a good sport, and she loves you, and you love her, which means you have make her some beer-basted ribs for Mothers Day . . . or have Jersey Mike’s catered.”


Answer:  That would not work because the “amazing wifey” would take May as an entire “Not it” month.  When it comes to birthdays I have my one day and she explains that during the entire month of her birthday I have to be nice because it is her birthday month.  Come to think of it, she does the same thing for her unbirthday month.  I’m screwed.


3. Q: how does it feel to have the perfect wife and how do you fend off the hordes of men trying to steal her away?


Answer:  As for the perfect wife I could get carpel tunnel disputing this statement, but she makes me happy, so I guess I will keep her around for a while.  The hordes of men are not an issue. Because when we where living in Texas (in our mid twenties), there was a middle school across the street.  I was not too concerned when she was outside getting the mail and got asked if she was going to attend the MIDDLE school dance or not.


4. I am curious about what your husband thinks of your blog?


Answer:  First off: Hi Lori and I had fun hanging out with Aaron.  P.S. if he gets out of line, throw a package of beer nuts at him, it will get his attention.    I am fine with her blog because at least, so far nothing too damaging has been posted.  As long as things stay in good taste I am fine.  Sometimes she spends a little too much time at the computer blogging for her readers, but she is happy doing it.


5. Just what makes you think you can step into these remarkable blogging shoes? What are your strengths and weaknesses?


Answer:  I don’t think I can step into her blogging shoes plain and simple.  As for my strength I love wifey, but somehow that also serves as my weakness.


6. What was the last nice thing you did for wifey?


Answer:  When I returned home yesterday from one of my interviews I brought her a gift.  It is a magnet that says “This house is owned & operated solely for the comfort & convenience of the CAT!”  I felt it was fitting.


7. What was your reaction the first time you saw your lovely wife febreeze her feet?


Answer:   did not actually see her febreeze her feet.  She stuck them in my face afterwards and all I can say is that febreeze needs to make a stronger product.


8. If you were going to be stranded on a deserted island and you could only take 3 items with you…what would they be and why?


Answer:  What is this some kind of psych exam?  First would be wifey for extra curricular activities.  ( I mean what kind of question is this? I mean this is her blog and I can’t come out and say I want to take Jessica Alba).  Second, a large case of Makers Mark because why the hell not.  Last A FRIGIN BOAT SO I CAN GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE. 


9. Mr. Hubby, what do you do to compensate for the greatness of your wifey? Do you become the best at something else [outside of the home of course, so as not to overshadow wifey] or have you simply learned to live with it?


Answer: Not sure if you are being sarcastic about outside the home.  If you mean at home you have missed a few blogs about why the wifey married me and her lack of well placed cooking skills.  Someone actually bought her a book on how to cook everything.  She might have looked up boiling an egg and for how long, but that is it.  As for not overshadowing her outside the house I just stay back about ten feet to accommodate the ego that all of her loyal readers have given her.  THANKS!


10. What made you fall in love with your lovely wife?


Answer:  I love her sarcastic nature and many other qualities.  We are a great match, and I don’t know how anyone could not love her because as she put it she is the most perfect wifey ever.


11. What is the greatest thing your wife could give you as a present….that didn’t require money or sex to acquire?

Answer: This was a hard one, since everything I thought of was sex or money. BUT, the best thing would be for me to come home one day, and for Wifey to have cooked me a nice four course dinner. (But we all know this would never happen)


Brought to you courtesy of the Great and Powerful Hubby


Filed under marriage

13 responses to “MANswers

  1. Lori

    Excellent blog post! Hope the job search is going well and thanks for the beer nuts tip–I might need to go pick some up…

  2. I give 5 stars for sheer bravado and being genuine. I think Manswers should be a regular installment.

  3. Oh…. he’s funny, too!! he really needs to start up his blog.

  4. PS: I left something for you on my site 🙂

  5. Terra

    I would totally follow his blog…well done!!!

  6. Dear Hubby,
    Those middle schoolers THOUGHT I was HOT. If you aren’t careful, I might turn into a cougar…..

  7. I have to agree with Mr. J.W. Nicklaus up there. I want to see this as a bi-weekly post or something!

    Although I can tell that Hubby doesn’t like me 😦 He was mean about my question *pout* – when I really quite like him for putting up with you, GBU! 😛

  8. Well If he starts a blog I will read it, the competition of blogs will be funny..ahahhahah zman sends

  9. slightly: He doesn’t disklike you…he just doesn’t get your humor like I do. Give him time, he will warm up… 🙂

  10. sauerkraut

    I’d hold out for the hot sex… skip the dinner.

  11. deek1973


  12. delaney55

    I think he did a mighty fine job with his post. {Applause}

    But considering the material he had to work with it should have been good, after all, he does have YOU for a wife. 🙂

  13. eh – interesting

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