My Sister, the Birthday Whore


Yesterday was my sister, Sar’s, birthday and she was CRAZY. Why, you ask? Well let’s start the list:

1. She thinks everyone has to stop everything because it is HER day….ummm hello? Some people have to work.

2. She thinks she doesn’t get a day, but a whole month…..yea right. Everyone knows that only Christmas babies (AKA me) get a whole month to celebrate their birthdays!

3. She refuses to share birthday celebrations with her Hubby. We ALREADY had birthday bash this weekend…but it was for her Hubby, which means we have to have another birthday bash exclusively for her. CRAZY.

4. Lastly because I get these kinds of emails from her, while at work:

(Clearly, she is delusional and clearly she left off the list the BEST part: ALCOHOL)

So I wanted a healthy dinner tonight. – Chopped salad
Spinach salad
boiled eggs
turkey bacon (i think we have some)
Gorgonzola cheese – or the smoked Gouda chopped up in it.
rotisserie chicken – we should just buy and cut some of the flavorful chicken in the salad – yum
good salad dressing – I really want the cilantro dressing from trader joe’s – maybe i’ll run by and pick some up on my way home.
And anything else good you can think of to add
french bread with olive oil (we have the olive oil)


Filed under family, Sisters, Uncategorized

11 responses to “My Sister, the Birthday Whore

  1. Your just upset because someone else is getting some attention ahahahahhaa…Happy Birthday to your sister….you dont get a birthday this year..hmm so there…Zman sends

  2. She knows what she wants, is she like that all the time? Come to think of it my middle sis is like yours

  3. I’m liking your support Zman!

  4. delaney55

    Hey I hear ya on the Christmas birthday thing. Mine is Dec. 8th but I have always been short changed on the birthday celebration. Usually get the “here’s your birthday/Christmas present” routine or only taken to dinner and a movie and that is supposed to be fine. Don’t people realize that when you “take” someone to dinner and a movie, the recipient isn’t getting anything you aren’t? Only difference is they pay but get to enjoy the same thing.

  5. LOL!!! Love it. Love, Goddess

  6. She definitely knows what SHE wants.

    Ah, family…

  7. Terra

    hahaha…too funny!

  8. It is amazing how some people want their birthdays to be handled. I know people like your sister, drives me crazy!

  9. silentorchestra

    haha… I must admit, I do love the dinner list… hilarious

  10. scrapper26

    Sisters are great like that. I love mine and she has a whole weekend celebration and I have kind of passed on the celebrating and pass her my demand list for her and my parents. I do believe she will be helping my hubby some too from now on. He would just rather pay her to get my stuff- she has like the best sense of style! I am soo jealous but love her dearly.

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