Tag Archives: mean husbands

The Dirty Fighter


LOUD NOISE of dog throwing up next to me in the computer room.

Me (shouting): NOT IT! HUBBY, NOT IT!

Hubby (angrily): That does NOT count!

Me (sweetly, if that is EVEN possible): Yes it does, I need to get in the shower and get ready for bed. (Remember I get up at 4:30, it doesn’t matter that it is only 8pm)

Hubby: It is still early; you have PLENTY of time to clean up the dog throw up.

Me: WHATEVER, you still owe me from when Americus was sick (thankfully she is better now—though we still don’t know what was wrong with her) because I cleaned up LOADS of vomit and poo.

Hubby(clearly exasperated): Uh huh. Well then fine, I will clean this up, but you have to sift the cat litter.

Me (whiney): Please, Hubby! Can’t you do it? I am heading into the shower right now…

10 minutes later

Hubby (NOW YELLING at his cute wifey): Are you STILL on that computer!? You cannot call not it and not even head to the shower!

Me (now yelling because Hubby is yelling): We are in a fight! I am going to write you a hate blog!

Me: Running to shower


Filed under Husbands, Irrational, Uncategorized

Wii away your frustrations…


So, we rented this really cool wii game called Bomberland. It is awesome, and I mean AWESOME. You can play up to 4 players, and you get to bomb things. I can’t explain how AWESOME it feels to bomb things….and eventually you can try and bomb each other, to kill each other. Now, I am not a violent or competitive person (at least I don’t think so—-just because I exclaim I WON, I WON…doesn’t mean anything, right?) but this game is so much fun! Nothing like bombing and destroying a few people, after a hard day’s work!

The other night me, Sar, and both Hubby’s were playing. Now, Sar is VERY competitive and wasn’t enjoying the fact that her Hubby kept dropping bombs everywhere and killing her….it was really quite amusing. I mean REALLY AMUSING cause she gets MAD!

Sar: ALAN! STOP trying to kill me!

(Insert Alan giggling like a little girl)

Hubby: Are you guys trying to gang up on me?

Sar: No, but Alan is trying to Bomb me all the time and I am just saying he SHOULD support me! (She then glares at him ferociously)

Alan (snickering as he bombs her): Sorry, your dead.


Isn’t it amazing how these games bring us closer together and magically wipe away all of our problems, temporarily of course? 🙂


Filed under family, humor