Tag Archives: random events

Live Encounters with March Madness


I enjoy a good basketball like everyone else, and March Madness time is just plain fun. Especially when you have teams you love. Since we already established, that I am an AZ WILDCAT fanatic, I am pretty excited to root for my Cats.

But yesterday, at lunch, I had my first real encounter with a real-life march madness team! And what did I do…I made a complete.fool.of.myself.

Eh, at least I am memorable, right? 🙂

So, I am standing in line when I notice 4 really tall guys wearing basketball shorts. When they turn around and they are all wearing shirts that say UCONN. I immediately text Hubby.

ME: Is UCONN playing HERE?

Hubby’s text: Yes

Whoa! This is so cool. So I decide I should talk to the UCONN boys, I mean I LIVED there one year ago. We are practically family, right?

Walking over cooly

Me: Hey, do you guys play for UCONN? (forget the fact that they are all practically wearing the EXACT.SAME.OUTFIT.)

Boys (looking at me like I speak Japanese–which I don’t, btw): Yea

Me: Cool. I used to live there.

I casually walk away (obviously not a genius day)

I then told this story to Hubby. His response:

DUH. They were all wearing UCONN shirts.




Filed under Embarrassment, humor



Today’s episode of America’s Next Top Blogger is brought to you commercial free by Qbubbles at My Muddled Thoughts.

The question is: Do you believe in zombie-pocalypses, and if so how would you handle it, where would you hide, and would you survive?

First off, let me say: DO I believe in a zombie-pocalypse? That is like asking me IF I have seen Shaun of the Dead? That movie was based off of a true story, right? OF course, I believe a zombie takeover is possible! On a sidenote, it would be awesome if it would happen soon…I could use some zombies in my life to eat the people I don’t like…which lately seems to be a lot of them…(don’t know why, but there I go off on a tangent). Sorry, Qbubbles.

I think that IF I weren’t turned into a zombie immediately; I would hide somewhere like the Winchester….somewhere that has a lot of food, and a lot of booze, so I could survive for a while. I also think that I eventually could train the zombies to fetch things for me and do my bidding, by bribing them with food, booze, shots…whatever they wanted. I think, ultimately, that is all your friendly zombie wants….a little leadership, you know someone who can give them a routine. Then they might feel safe and secure in their zombie-ness. This would only encourage them to realize their true potential. We definately could all co-exist peacefully, with me as their leader.

But, how can I be so confident and how do I know I would survive? Because I have the zombie emergency procedure manual on survival, passed down generation to generation. And now, dear readers, I pass it on to you. Be safe and hope to see you at the Winchester!



Filed under America's Next Top Blogger, blogging, Challenges