Tag Archives: blogs

Stay Tuned….


For some EXCITING news!

I have enjoyed blogging SO much that I am going to move to my own site!

Impressive, right?

What’s the catch?

There is none….it is just that Hubby was about to divorce me over my constant blogging…until I convinced him that I could (maybe) make money off of advertisements on my blog. So the hope is that maybe some poor, willing soul will click on some ads and I will make 75 cents, and Hubby will forget my blogging obsession! Good plan, right?

So many of you readers have been so supportive, amazing, and overfed  fed my ego constantly that I decided I needed to reward you! So, thanks for sticking with me and encouraging me and I hope you will follow me to my new site! And due to this EXCTING NEWS, I will be having my FIRST EVER giveaway. That’s right, people, free stuff. EVERYONE likes free stuff!

And this isn’t just any free stuff…this is life-changing free stuff. I know, I can hardly contain it! Just trust me on this one, this giveaway will be one of the most amazing EVER! So, stay tuned….for some exciting developments coming soon and a new website address. Like maybe early next week, if I can get everything in order and stop being a major procrastinator!

 Be ready to change your bookmarks and tell your friends because you are gonna WANT what I am giving away…..I want it myself! So STAY TUNED! 🙂



Filed under blogging

It’s Been Fun…


I have some kind of sad news, that I have given a lot of thought to and decided that this is the right thing to do. I know WHAT IS IT, right? Well……

I have decided I can no longer keep up this blog. As of tomorrow morning, I am going to delete it. So, this is your last post. I am really sad to do this, but I have no choice.

There are many reasons that I can’t really go into right now, but I wanted to let you all know that I have enjoyed posting about my life and meeting you all and letting you into mine and Hubby’s crazy lives. But for now, I must say that I have had a lot of fun. If you want to try and stay in touch, let me know and I will send you my email. I am sorry for the short notice. Maybe eventually I will start up a new one and if I do, I will be sure to try and keep in touch with as many of you as possible if you send me your emails.

Oh and one more thing.



Filed under random

Thanks, Mom


My mom sent me an email today, since she is a reader of my blog, she remembered (with concern) my post regarding Eye Twitching & Alien Babies.

This phenomenon still rears its’ ugly head every now and then, and I thought I would share her advice. Since, she obviously figured out what the culprit was, much to my surprise it isn’t Alien Babies ( know, I am still shocked cause I am almost positive there is one in there kicking around), but behold the culprit (DUH DUH DUH) (highlighted in BOLD)

Email from Mom

Found this in something I read today and since I know you get these, I thought you’d find it interesting.   Love you much, MOM
What makes your eyelid twitch?
This annoyingly common condition is known as eyelid myokymia. Not a lot is known about eye twitches, which are more likely to occur in the lower eyelid than in the upper, though they’re probably caused by the misfiring of a nerve. But experts know that fatigue, stress, and caffeine all increase the likelihood of the pesky twitching. So do eyestrain, poor nutrition, excessive alcohol intake, and allergies. Fortunately, eye twitching is almost always benign and usually goes away by itself. To put an end to a bout of the eye flutters, cut down on coffee and alcohol and give your eyes—and your whole body—a good night’s rest.



Ummmmm not quitting my booze intake, guess I will just have to deal with the aliens kicking around in there! J

But, Thanks MOM, your a genius, but I already knew that! Love ya!


Filed under family, Weird Info about me

I’m Not That Innocent…

Well, I am still pretty new at the the whole blogging scene, but I have received two of these now and must pay my lustful respects back to really cool peeps I have met out here in Blogland!

From Stephanie

From Stephanie

From Crone and Bear It

From Crone and Bear It

I received a really nice blog award from a really cool, new bloggy friend at It All Comes Down To This…. Check her out, and she will make you giggle as she does me!

I had also received an award from another blog that never ceases to crack me up, Crone and Bear It , check her out too because she (or her dog) is sure to have you snickering!

Now, is the challege: The Rule ( I was never good at following rules, but I will do my best)

1.  List six things that inspire your creativity
2.  Pass the award on to 7 more kreativ bloggers
3.  Link back to the person who gave you the award
4.  Link to the people you are passing it on to and leave them a comment to let them know


  1. Hubby 🙂
  2. My Pets
  3. Sisters
  4. Family
  5. Friends—those I know and those I stalk in Blogs
  6. I like to laugh

2. I hate picking and choosing awards (mostly because I don’t want anyone to feel left out) but I can definately tell you some of my favorites–in three words or less, and just because I don’t give you an award doesn’t mean I don’t lust after your blog….it’s just that I got tired of typing and I am lazy! 🙂

  • A Blog of Her Own —HYSTERICAL LADY
  • DarcKnyt —INSPIRING
  • For What It\’s Worth —FUNNY OLD FART
  • The PortlandPhile —MY TWIN WIFE
  • Confessions of a Young Married Couple —PISS PANTS FUNNY
  • Swimming In My Head…  —FUNNY BLOGGY BUD
  • I Can Grow People —FUNNY PREGO FRIEND
  • Here is your award…..you should return the favor to others to make them smile!

    Your award

    Your award


    Well there you have it! Thanks Guys, you are my crack! Love ya!


    Filed under Blog Friends