He IS cute when he is asleep!

He IS cute when he is asleep!

I was puppysitting Cullen last night (he is aptly named after the vampires in Twilight). He runs at me with his mouth wide open: glistening, razor sharp puppy teeth bared for the kill….yea, you get the picture. Looks can be deceiving, people!

Don’t get me wrong, he is cute and all….but my arms look like I am trying to cut myself, but miss ALL.THE.TIME.

So, back to my OMG gross story. There I was minding my own business, playing with Cully as I call him, and what does he do? He takes a dump in the den. Never mind the fact that I had just taken him outside!

Anyways, I turn my back for ONE SECOND to grab the clean up materials….and low and behold the poop is mysteriously GONE! Where did it go?

Well, my little vampire friend decided to have a tasty snack.



Then my sister picked him up, and gave him kisses! 🙂


Filed under Pets, puppies

July 15th: National Call in Sick Day


Do you know what day that is? The day I will be calling in sick for this: WOO HOO

In case you could not already tell, I am a bit of a HP fanatic.

Harry Potter here I come! And let the countdown begin.

(Note: Thanks Bookishpenguin for the date change!)


Filed under Harry Potter

DVR Madness


Me: OH NO! I NEED to delete something…the DVR has only 54 hours left of recording time.

Hubby: That is more than enough time!

Me: No it isn’t! You know how I like to keep our “available air time” at 60 hours.

Hubby: You are crazy.

Me (trance-like): I need to delete. Can I delete this show?

Hubby: NO!

Me: I need to delete. You don’t ever watch any of these shows in here! Can I delete this show?

Hubby: NO!

Me: You are crimping my DVR style.

Hubby: Right….

(Totally going to delete something when he isn’t looking…)

1 Comment

Filed under Blog Friends, Delusions of a Husband, Weird Info about me

Stay Tuned….


For some EXCITING news!

I have enjoyed blogging SO much that I am going to move to my own site!

Impressive, right?

What’s the catch?

There is none….it is just that Hubby was about to divorce me over my constant blogging…until I convinced him that I could (maybe) make money off of advertisements on my blog. So the hope is that maybe some poor, willing soul will click on some ads and I will make 75 cents, and Hubby will forget my blogging obsession! Good plan, right?

So many of you readers have been so supportive, amazing, and overfed  fed my ego constantly that I decided I needed to reward you! So, thanks for sticking with me and encouraging me and I hope you will follow me to my new site! And due to this EXCTING NEWS, I will be having my FIRST EVER giveaway. That’s right, people, free stuff. EVERYONE likes free stuff!

And this isn’t just any free stuff…this is life-changing free stuff. I know, I can hardly contain it! Just trust me on this one, this giveaway will be one of the most amazing EVER! So, stay tuned….for some exciting developments coming soon and a new website address. Like maybe early next week, if I can get everything in order and stop being a major procrastinator!

 Be ready to change your bookmarks and tell your friends because you are gonna WANT what I am giving away…..I want it myself! So STAY TUNED! 🙂



Filed under blogging

My Sister, the Birthday Whore


Yesterday was my sister, Sar’s, birthday and she was CRAZY. Why, you ask? Well let’s start the list:

1. She thinks everyone has to stop everything because it is HER day….ummm hello? Some people have to work.

2. She thinks she doesn’t get a day, but a whole month…..yea right. Everyone knows that only Christmas babies (AKA me) get a whole month to celebrate their birthdays!

3. She refuses to share birthday celebrations with her Hubby. We ALREADY had birthday bash this weekend…but it was for her Hubby, which means we have to have another birthday bash exclusively for her. CRAZY.

4. Lastly because I get these kinds of emails from her, while at work:

(Clearly, she is delusional and clearly she left off the list the BEST part: ALCOHOL)

So I wanted a healthy dinner tonight. – Chopped salad
Spinach salad
boiled eggs
turkey bacon (i think we have some)
Gorgonzola cheese – or the smoked Gouda chopped up in it.
rotisserie chicken – we should just buy and cut some of the flavorful chicken in the salad – yum
good salad dressing – I really want the cilantro dressing from trader joe’s – maybe i’ll run by and pick some up on my way home.
And anything else good you can think of to add
french bread with olive oil (we have the olive oil)


Filed under family, Sisters, Uncategorized

One of those days…

Where I just want to knife myself, as my baby sis would say…..




Filed under Life

My Most Prized Possession

So this past weekend, Honorary Brother in Law (HBIL), came in from Vancouver for a visit because it was his brothers’ and my sisters’, Middlechildadvice\’s Blog , birthday bash celebration. We had a great time celebrating everyone’s birthdays and hanging out with the various family members.

However, I was less than pleased to see HBIL because we weren’t really on speaking terms.

Why you ask?

Well, HBIL had the audacity to tell me that he went to a Britney Spear’s Concert and basically sat so close to the stage he could have touched her  (he is a closet Britney fan AND he works for the radio) and DID NOT TAKE ME! Then he puts all these amazing pictures up on his facebook page, just to rub it in my face. RUDE, right?

This is how close he was....

This is how close he was....

I love you Britney

I love you Britney

Me: I am not talking to you or listening to you on the radio anymore.

HBIL: I would have invited you, BUT I didn’t think you had a passport.

Me: I HAVE a passport.

HBIL (smiling craftily): Oh……well……. I did get you a present.

Me (clearly SUPER EXCITED): OMG, what is it? Did you get me her autograph?

HBIL: No better……..

Me: Well, what is it?

HBIL: (pulling out something slowly and dramatically on purpose)


ACTUAL confetti from Britney's concert!

ACTUAL confetti from Britney's concert!

Me: What is this?

HBIL: It is a piece of confetti from Britney’s concert, but not just ANY piece of confetti, this piece Britney actually LOOKED at…while it dropped from the sky and I grabbed one for you …knowing you would treasure it always!

And that dear readers, is why I am no longer mad at HBIL. For now.


Filed under family

What the Easter Bunny brought my sister

My sister, Middlechildadvice\’s Blog, got a super special surprise in her Easter Basket this past weekend……


Pretty cute, right?

He is a little vampire though. I forgot how much puppies like to bite! My toes, hair, and fingers are all sore!

I puppysat on Sunday and I am still recovering from it all….


Filed under Pets

Hangin with the Bro-in-Law


So, the Brother in Law (BIL) and I went out last week to the movies (I Love You, Man) and then my favorite, drinks at Yardhouse. We had fun; basically we wanted my sister (who was on vacay in FL) to realize that WE can have fun without her!  It was my furlough day…which I am really starting to fully embrace.

Me: I LOVE furlough days!

Me (surprised): I had fun hanging with you…who knew we would have so much fun together!

BIL: I know! You aren’t so bad!

Me: What is THAT supposed to mean?

BIL: Uhhhhh….that didn’t come out right….


Filed under family

Yes, I believe in the Easter Bunny


I love the Easter Bunny, and at our house he ALWAYS comes. (Albeit in the form of Hubby, but that is besides the point)

One of my most favorite things that Hubby does for me is that he makes a big deal out of the Holidays for me. I don’t know why, but I.LOVE.HOLIDAYS. LOVE EM. Especially when it comes to holidays where one “gets” things. Easter baskets are a favorite for me because you get chocolate and LOTS of it. And because you have to go look for your basket….I like a little bit of a challenge, however if Hubby hides the baskets too well….well then I get crabby when I can’t find mine fast enough.

So, this holiday, the sisters are demanding Easter baskets too….

Rae: You better make me an Easter basket!

Hubby: No, I don’t have too….

Rae: Yes you do! Please? I will do the dishes (this is clear desperation here, people!)

Later on Hubby calls me

Hubby: So, I (the Jew) have to make you and your sisters Easter Baskets? What is wrong with this picture? And depending WHO is the nicest determines the SIZE of their Easter basket!

Me: I get the BIGGEST one! And don’t forget to hide them in good places–but don’t make mine too hard!

Gotta love Easter time! Hope you all have a great one!


Filed under holidays